Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Comment on Thursday Night's Dems' "Debate"

By An Old Friend
Sat, Dec 21, 2019 1:28 a.m.

A Comment on Thursday Night's Dems' "Debate"

AOF: I put "debate" in quotes because these sorry spectacles -- whether Dem or Repub -- are actually joint, mud-slinging press conferences, not debates.  (To see an actual, serious debate among politicians, find a video from the UK House of Commons.)

John Hinderaker wrote a brief piece on Thursday's "debate": 

More interesting is this comment, especially its final sentence.


Anonymous said...

Not tuning in on the impeachment process and not tuning in on the Dems debates.

Anonymous said...

I went shopping Friday at a local grocery store.As I was checking out the asparagus,an older man in his 70s came up alongside.
I said,"the asparagus looks pretty good this week."
He didn't want to talk about asparagus--he wanted to bitch about Trump.
"What the hell is going on?We were doing so well too--making a lot of progress.We elected a black president,but then we let this Trump in."
"I'm a big Trump supporter," I said,"do you like where this country is headed?"
"No I don't."
"What did you do for a living?"I asked him.
"I'm a career military guy (retired years ago)..."
"And you don't like Trump?:
"Hell no.You know,I've been helping immigrants come in from other countries that are bad to live in..."
"Really,"I replied,"is everyone supposed to come over here and live in the United States?Who's supposed to live in the rest of the world?"
"They're all corrupt everywhere else."
"They'll be corrupt here too.All I know is OUR country is going downhill,my neighborhood is worse--and Trump was not allowed to build a wall and try to fix things.From what I hear,Michelle Obama will probably be the nominee,so you'll get another black in the White House --like you want."
"She doesn't have any experience,"he said.
"Neither did her husband."
I then said,"I have to go--Merry Christmas"--and shook hands.The guy had very few teeth as he smiled and walked away.
