Sunday, September 09, 2012

Anaheim Reconquista Updates

By Nicholas Stix

[Recent VDARE reports and blog items by this author on Disney/Anaheim, aka "Anacrime":

“Report from Occupied America: Thanks to Immigration (and the MSM), Not Walt Disney’s Anaheim”;

“Strategic Deportation” Would Stop Reconquistas, Leftists Re-Running The Civil Rights Show and Seizing Power in Anaheim”; and

“Anaheim: Anna Drive Rioters Suing City for Millions for Boo-Boos and Hurt Feewings They Suffered Attacking Police, and to Make Cops More Gang-Friendly.”]

The officially unnamed Anaheim police officers who shot the two Hispanic gangbangers that other gangbangers used as a pretext to riot for four days in July, have been returned to routine duty. (The gangbangers know these guys’ names, and probably their home addresses, too.)

Meanwhile, the city has declared that it will fight the ACLU/reconquista “civil rights” lawsuit that is designed to change the city’s political configuration, and thereby seize power for all eternity.


Church of Jed said...

When you drive through a White neighborhood and see restaurnats that are "too White," you know that this community is on a target list to cure its criminalized White privilege through Diversity inclusion.

The Whites there are living in the temporary past and what they enjoy will be gone.

Everyday, White breeding grounds are shrinking, and the only ones left are for Whites so rich they can afford to keep the Diversity away, but for how much longer? How increasingly expensive will the cost of Whiteness become?

White flight comes with huge costs for everyone. But rich Whites trying to stay put in White enclaves will pay even more and their lives will shrink. Their wives still must shop at the grocery stores on the main roads.

When you drive through non White commuities, you know that they will never suffer from an influx fo Whiteness.

Anonymous said...

Good! The city officials must be absolutely certain of the legality of their officers actions or there is no way, absolutely no way, they would have allowed this.

It has nothing to do with the merits of those city officials, it's all about their team of lawyers seeing that those invader/criminal gang members were blatantly at fault for causing the officer's actions.

No way would the city allow them to return to work in this day and age, and here in sue crazy California, if they weren't certain they can win against these frivolous (an d criminal if you ask me) lawsuits filed from the usual creeps.

Also, they have to be confident that they can slam dunk win in court even with a pool of moron jurors already brainwashed by the press.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think Anaheim deserves what it gets some a lot of Republican Councilmen allowed businesses to hire illegal immigration to work for about 30 years or so. I remember a raid on a business way back in 1985 in Anaheim since the business hired illegal immigrants. Some Republicans like those that like to use Hispanic labor eventually get it back in their faces.