Five people arrested in home invasion homicide
By Zack Stoycoff
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
1/17/2012, 3:33:02 p.m.
Five people were arrested early Tuesday after the shooting death of a man at his girlfriend's house, Tulsa police reported.
The victim, identified by police Tuesday as William Zachary, 66, was shot during an attempted home invasion robbery in the 13300 block of East 36th Street about 8:15 p.m. Monday.

Several people were spotted in the garage of a house near 3100 S. 130th East Place as officers, a police helicopter and a police dog were searching the area, Sgt. Dave Walker said.
Investigators believe that house belongs to an acquaintance of the group, he said.
Montre Brown, 18, Uriah Afred Mitchell, 19, Marquis Lashon Powell, 18, Darelle Johnson, 27, and DeAndre Wright, 16, were booked into the Tulsa Jail without bail on complaints of first-degree murder and robbery with a dangerous weapon, records show.
Zachary was shot in the face after a group of men wearing ski masks and hooded sweatshirts broke into the house, police reported.
Investigators believe the men were searching the neighborhood for something to steal when they spotted a gun safe inside the house, Walker said.
Sandra Lee, Zachary's girlfriend, said she and Zachary had been home for hours and were preparing to mail Christmas photos to family members when their back door was kicked in.
Lee said she saw two men -- one with a gun and one with a baseball bat -- but said it was dark and more robbers may have been in another room or outside.
Zachary handed them his wallet, but they demanded more and then shot him, Lee said.
Watch the video of William Zachary receiving an award for community service in his former hometown of Beloit, Kan., where he ran a hardware store.
The robbers fled on foot.
It was Tulsa's second slaying of 2012.
"It's random as the man and the suspects do not have a relationship. They don't know each other," Walker said.
Authorities recovered the weapon used in the slaying early Tuesday, he said. They did not expect to arrest anyone else in the slaying.
Members of the Northern Oklahoma Violent Crimes Task Force assisted in the investigation. Anyone with additional information in the slaying is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 918-581-COPS or the Homicide Tip Line at 918-798-8477, or email homicide@cityoftulsa.org

[Thanks to reader-researcher "W" for this story.]
A few weeks ago, a news report about September's Carissa Horton-Ethan Nichols murder declared crime was down in Tulsa. The suspects in this "random crime" were supposed to be arraigned on Tuesday, but it was postponed to February 27.
Tulsa seems like a dangerous place for an area where "crime is down."
David In TN
Here's another story for you. Involving the usual suspects. http://wap.ktvu.com/wap/news/text.jsp?sid=242&nid=3509507316&cid=21225&scid=-1&ith=0&title=Top+Story&headtitle=Top+Story
Feral scum.
These creatures are dangeroud bi-peds. I feel so much for the terror the helpless White male victim. I suspect that the nearer the biped is to looking a little human (Somalians)..the more they resent the beauty, intelligence and morality of the Human Whites who are blessed by God because of their kindness and compassion. Our own White youths are also being brutalised and sexualised through cynical Marxist, movie moguls and through the natural, feral, sexual impulses and 'gangsta pack' mentality of these bipeds. Whites need to perceive these Godless, retarded, jealous creatures as 'animalistic' as BLACK Pastor Manning calls them..ATLAHMINISTRIES.ORG..BLACKS ARE HATERS AND LOSERS. Be careful White people.
Dear anonymous, You sound like the true asshole that you must be, because not all blacks are criminals and not all whites are innocent angels. And just to inform you black is definitely beautiful and alot of us are very educated. Not only do I have a degree and clean criminal record but so does my friends and family.
FUCKING NIGGERS!!! Be aware of ALL young black males, period.
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