Monday, April 01, 2024

Guess the race: mom was driving at 80-85 mph when she LEFT the highway, lost control of her car, flipped it over several times and killed her self and her five-year-old

By A Texas Reader
monday, april 1, 2024 at 03:09:00 p.m. edt

"Tiffany Rodriguez, 25, was driving her family on US 90 near Uvalde road. when she exited the highway, witnesses say the toyota prius was going at least 80 miles an hour. the car flipped several times. Rodriguez and her 5-year-old daughter Ariella were both killed..."

N.S.: "sheriff Gonzalez said neither parent was wearing a seatbelt, but all of the children were in the back seat and buckled in." That was surely true of the parents, but the assertion that the kids were all "buckled in" is a transparent lie. Had the kids all been wearing seat belts, there's no way the five-year-old would have been thrown from the vehicle. It was probably the case that noneof the kids was wearing a seat belt.


Anonymous said...

For a change,a mex didn't kill anyone else in another vehicle,while driving drunk/stupid?

THAT'S a fluke.


Anonymous said...

And now she's Tiff-fini.

Anonymous said...

For Easterners, driving 80-85 may seem reckless, but in the Southwest may states have speed limits of 80 mph--even 85. When I travel there I drive the speed limit of 80 mph or better. Of course I do not do it while drunk or on drugs.