Wednesday, April 03, 2024

"stunned archaeologists probe claims of giant skeletons in nevada caves

By R.C.
wednesday, april 3, 2024 at 10:41:06 p.m. edt

"stunned archaeologists probe claims of giant skeletons in nevada caves"

"stunned archaeologists probe claims of giant skeletons in nevada caves where they found a 15-inch sandal that had been worn down as well as massive hand prints across the walls"

"in 1911 miners stumbled upon a cave containing the remains of giant humans, as well as worn out sandals measuring over 15 inches in length. but other historians are skeptical of the findings."

So, Whitey was here first?

Now when do I get my cut of the local casino’s earnings?


Anonymous said...

History is obsolete with blacks and commies in charge.


AbolishTenure said...

Harry Reid is dead and Nevadafornia has turned permanently un-Republican. So just put the nuke waste in the Nevada caves already, with or without the giant skeletons. Before the nutjob invaders pick off a couple of the "temporary" storage sites across the USA.