Wednesday, April 03, 2024

squatter squad strikes in southern california (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

63,355 views premiered mar 31, 2024
news for reasonable people podcast

"in a bold move emblematic of American ingenuity and the fight against property rights violations, a california-based company, squatter squad, is making headlines for its unconventional approach to squatter removal.

leveraging legal loopholes, the company, disguised as home inspectors, enters properties under the guise of conducting inspections, swiftly changing locks to oust unwelcome occupants.

this service addresses a growing concern among property owners faced with squatters exploiting legal protections, often leaving owners powerless and frustrated. squatter squad's strategy not only reinstates property owners' rights but also challenges the status quo of tenant protection laws that, critics argue, have gone too far, offering a glimmer of hope and a potential solution to a pervasive issue in states with tenant-friendly laws. the company’s approach raises questions about the balance between tenant rights and property ownership [sic] in an era where the scales seem increasingly tipped."

N.S. Sounds like a commercial for the company. I "sicced" the phrase, "the company’s approach raises questions about the balance between tenant rights and property ownership," because there is no "balance." The squatters are not tenants, they're trespassers and thieves. The problem isn't necessarily certain states' laws, but rather law enforcement's refusal to do its job, and its loyalty to criminals.


Anonymous said...

"We'll get the spic outta here."

commercial jingle?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
"Squatters rights", like asylum for alien invaders, archaic misguided laws that need to be struck off the books.

Anonymous said...

Vito Corleone gives the order. "Have Clemenza handle this. Use good reliable men." Kiss the Don's ring too. You will do gratefully.