Thursday, April 04, 2024

Guess the race: White-free "NYPD precinct windows smashed after vandal hurls 'multiple' rocks in latest anti-cop crime"; new york post mystery: pc daily published photos of three non-White cops, and one non-White, nypd cleaning lady, yet none of the perp

By N.S.

"nypd precinct windows smashed after vandal hurls 'multiple' rocks in latest anti-cop crime: 'shouldn't surprise anyone'

"the mischief-maker stood in the middle of the street in front of the midtown south station house on west 35th street near ninth avenue around 7:40 a.m. and hurled 'multiple'..."

"the nypd described the suspect as a man with a dark complexion [!] who wore a black coat, brown hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans."

Let me see. You published at least three pics of non-White cops, one of a non-White cleaning lady, but none of the perp. Calling scrappy koala!

By the way, does midtown south have an illegal, unconstitutional, racist rule against hiring Whites, or does the post have a racist rule against showing them in positive roles? And why did the aa cops refuse to arrest the perp?


Anonymous said...

Better just brick the whole place up. Far easier and cheaper. Stop stray gunfire too.

Anonymous said...

When's the last time a White person was honored for...ANYTHING?

When's the last time a White person--or the White race,in general--was spoken of with disdain--or worse?

Ask those same questions about blacks.

That's how much the country has lost its marbles.