Thursday, December 21, 2023

On some of the red (not republican!) supporters of talentless, communist, hollywood non-entity Norma Barzman

[“Norma Barzman, an undistinguished, virtually unknown screenwriter and actress, who had sought to slaughter over 100 million Americans, and enslave the rest, is dead at 103.”]

Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 1:26:00 a.m. est

Thank you for posting this. I had the displeasure of reading this earlier:

As I’ve mentioned before, the movie buffs who post on that forum are utterly loathsome, ultra-liberal imbeciles (save for the scholarly film historian Tom Weaver); I posted only once, when they were fawning over Nelson Mandela upon his demise. My dissent was polite, but the drones swarmed out of the hive and I was attacked with foul-mouthed invective. The head of the blog, usa today editor (or former editor) David Colton threatened to banish me for my offense, but he needn't have worried.

Save for one lone actor who committed suicide (Philip Loeb), I have yet to read about any blacklistee who was “victimized.” To a man, they seem to have continued to work behind “fronts,” many of them living it up in Europe or other countries (Dalton Trumbo bragged about how affordable it was to reside in a mansion with servants in Mexico).

I just finished reading an autobiography of gangster-actor Marc Lawrence, and it’s typical: whining about his “persecution” while living “La Dolce Vita” in Italy through the 1950’s, back in the U.S. by decade’s end, resuming acting and even scoring work directing TV shows. And he’s as loathsome as the stereotypical roles he played. -RM

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