Thursday, December 21, 2023

communist Norma Barzman and plagiarism

Left-to-right: communist “Adrian Scott socializing with Norma Barzman, Jeannie Lees, Bobby Lees, and Anne Scott (seated on floor), circa 1946.” As all of the photos I’d seen of Norma Barzman were of her when she was presumably in her nineties, old and hideous, and she functioned as a living communist, er, “progressive” (aka “leftist”) souvenir, I searched for a pic of her as a young woman, and seem to have found one of her as a young knockout. This is from her memoir, The Red and the Blacklist. Norma Barzman spent the 1950s and ‘60s giving birth to and raising seven little red diaper babies.

By N.S.

I just read Jaden Thompson’s december 19th variety obituary for talentless, 103-year-old communist Norma Barzman, and either it’s a massive plagiary of her bio page, or her page, which I read yesterday, is a massive plagiary of Thompson. I’m thinking someone at is the guilty party. What say you, Jon Hopwood?

Norma Barzman, presumably when she was in her nineties. Imagine how long she would have lived, if not for apartheid and the blacklist?


Anonymous said...

Though Norma's team is winning right now,I'll never understand what attracts anyone to communism--the lack of freedom(s),the sameness of everyday life with no hope of improvement.Not for Norma and co.In the "arts",a lowly lifestyle never seems to be the outcome.There's jetsetting,making movies,writing commie screenplays etc.

The rest of the citizenry become hopeless alcoholics.

Communism stinks


Anonymous said...

Interesting to see the photo of Robert Lees, who with his co-writer Frederic Rinaldo (and another scribe, John Grant) penned many classic Abbott and Costello movies. Lees was decapitated in his home at the age of 91 by a sword-wielding intruder who was high on drugs- something unlikely to have occurred if the Communists hadn't undermined every aspect of American life, including the promotion and normalization of drug use, and the undermining of law enforcement (remember when cops used to patrol neighborhoods at night, watching out for suspicious activity?).
The CBS news item adds the info that the killer "had a 'War is Not the Answer' bumper sticker on his car" (therefore, hippie-Leftist), and that Lees was yet another blacklist "victim" who continued to work under an assumed name.
The published screenplay of "Hold That Ghost" greets the reader with a foreword by (I believe- don't have it handy) the son of either Lees or Rinaldo, and- surprise!- it's yet another diatribe about the blacklist.
The info about the killer being "high" comes from a fascinating book called HOMICIDE IN THE PERFORMING ARTS. Most of the murders detailed therein occur from the 1960s onward, and most are drug-related... -RM

Anonymous said...

Correction: the book is called SHOW BUSINESS HOMICIDES, by David Frasier. Published by McFarland, which means you'd have to have patience to get it for a reasonable price (say, 30 bucks or less-their books seem generally aimed at libraries, price-wise). -RM

Anonymous said...

Never heard of a woman should I have?