Thursday, December 21, 2023

chicago’s nEGRO mayor does his impersonation of nyc’s nEGRO mayor Adams—“no mo’ immigrants!”

[“romance scam: texas man [sic] who helped bilk woman out of $1.2M sentenced; officials say Rotimi Oladimeji, who was born in nigeria, could be deported after serving his prison sentence.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, december 20, 2023 at 1:30:00 p.m. est

GRA: A new take on all of this. illegals are of no use to democrats if they’re bused from red states to blue.

“(infowars) the far-left chicago mayor Brandon Johnson is furious in the face of the overwhelming economic strain created by the influx of migrants [sic]. the same mayor proudly declared chicago a sanctuary city in may of this year:

[N.S.: He was fine with afflicting “the overwhelming economic strain,” not to mention the strain of White Americans being robbed, raped, maimed and murdered by his new best friends on republicans, but God forbid there should be any pushback!] “‘chicago is a sanctuary city. as such, we must always resist attempts to pit communities against each other and extend this sanctuary promise to everyone who needs it in our city – both long-time residents and newcomers alike.

[N.S.: His whole life involves pitting communities against each other.]

“today, Johnson is calling for a stop to the migrant [sic] buses, suggesting that chicago cannot financially handle the population surge. furthermore, Johnson labeled Greg Abbott’s busing measures an ‘attack on the country.

“the reasons for the progressive [sic] support of open borders and mass immigration are transparent: they are luring in caravans of [non-White] foreigners from mostly socialist leaning nations with the intent to eventually give them asylum and voting rights. it is an attempt to upend the very fabric of US culture and secure a political majority forever. it’s an immoral plan, but also an effective plan. they are using our own tax dollars to entice migrants [sic] with welfare subsidies; they are using our money to buy a new voting block to tip the scales of power in their favor.

“this is not a theory, this is an agenda leftists admit to. there are multiple states and cities in which democrats have introduced measures to allow non-citizens to vote in elections. most of these actions have been implemented in the past year leading into 2024. then there is the always looming possibility that democrats will force an amnesty bill into law, giving automatic citizenship to millions of foreigners without regard for economic concerns. there is a clear agenda to overwhelm America’s elections with foreign votes.

[N.S.: As my old VDARE/ colleague Steve Sailer has noted for years, they have been bringing in foreign ringers, with which to rig “democratic” elections. That makes the President’s victories in 2016 and 2020 all the more miraculous.]

“the plan doesn’t really [sic] work, though, if all these illegals are bused out of red states or red counties and into predominantly blue regions of the nation. if the Dems can't destabilize red states or turn those states blue, then the immigrants are of no use to them. In fact, the immigrants become a millstone dragging blue cities and states down into the economic depths.”

[N.S.: “Really” is an unnecessary qualifier, a linguistic limp. We live in a country of linguistic cripples: “sort of,” “kind of.” Also, I never speak of “red” vs. “blue” regions, because “red” has always been the color of communism. It was a deliberate ploy of the dnc-msm to start referring to the gop as “red” sometime between 2000 and 2004, in order to confuse matters. And it was characteristic of the gopers as cowards and weaklings that they went right along with it.]

“here we see the sudden and predictable disappearance of so-called ‘progressive empathy.’ they want open borders, but they want migrants to stay in conservative regions where they serve a political purpose. they never intended for illegals to flood into their own blue neighborhoods. The outrage that leftist mayors like Brandon Johnson are feeling right now is of their own making. They did this to themselves.”



Anonymous said...

Republicans USED to be blue,I thought so.Dems were RED--which is absolutely true.Yes,some time ago,the networks switched it.

Pretty deep thinking goes on about this somewhere.

"Look,we're called red--let's call THEM red."

"Great idea,nbc CEO,great idea "

Anonymous said...

Brandon just playing dumb like all the other Lackey’s in government they want more and more money from the federal government our money. What do you need to do is just stop the illegals from arriving in the first place don’t allow them to cross the border. Problem solved.