Thursday, December 21, 2023

"There were 19+ campus hate crime hoaxes in 2023"

By N.S.

I added the plus sign, because the writer, Matt Lamb, did not count certain hoaxes as hoaxes, e.g., the black prof, Eric Stewart, whose research on race and crime was exposed by a White prof, as a hoax, and the hoax documentary on late michigan state footvall coach, Duffy Daugherty.

"There were 19 campus hate crime hoaxes in 2023"


Anonymous said...

A hoax is an attempt at propagandizing something--these days--usually blackie vs Whitey.A hoax should automatically be treated as a hate crime,because at its core,the hoaxer is attempting to inflame the public AGAINST a race--usually Whitey.

Jussie and Bubba should have been charged that way.


Anonymous said...

Not such a bad number 19 I think the fact is that is agitators make up these houses because they have an almost 0 evidence of real hate crimes having existed if there was so much a crime it wouldn’t have to come up with hoaxes