Sunday, December 17, 2023

Kids Say the Darnedest Things 2023

[Kids Say the Darnedest Things 2023]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, december 16, 2023 at 12:11:00 p.m. est

Hi, I’m Art Linkletter and welcome to the new Kids Say the Darnedest Things.

Don’t ask me how I’m back hosting a show I originally started in 1967, at the age of 55, but here I am—and everyone tells me I haven’t aged a day. The only thing that’s really changed are the kids the network has given me to interview—they’re 75% BLACK—which I don’t understand, because blacks are only 13% of the population. But I said I’ll try it and here goes nothing—literally.

(Art turns to five kids sitting in chairs—three black, one mex, and one White).

Art: Hi, kids!

(Obscenities from the minorities, the White kid says, “Hello.”)

Art: Let’s try the friendly one first—what’s your name?

White kid: Jimmy (giggles).

Art: And how old are you?

White Kid: Five (holding up five fingers).

Art: Well, so far, this seems just like 1967 again to ol’ Art. Jimmy, what’s your favorite...

black kid: Hey,mutha-****er, you not s’posed to talk to the cracka until you talk to US FIRST—CRACKA!

Other black kid: Yeah, how’d you get this show—you’s WHITE!

Art: I thought up this show—what’s your name?

black kid: Jacquarious.

Art: Can you spell your name for me, Jacquarious?

(Jacquarious pulls out a gun.)

Jacquarious: F**k kinda question is that? Huh?

Art: Ahh,a fake like to play cowboys and indians, Jacquarious?

(Gun goes off, bullets whistle past Art’s ear, grazing the tv camera.)

Jacquarious: No, I like to play “SHOOT the Honkey” (laughs and high fives the other nigs).

Art: What’s a honkey, Jacquarious?

Jacquarious: YOU IS.

Art: Well, now I see the difference in 56 years of TV—and America. I notice we have a hispanic boy here also. What’s your name?

mex kid: Miguelo—si.

Art: Are you a legal citizen of the United States, Miguelo?

(aclu reps run out with a court order.)

Art: What’s this? “You are forbidden to ask immigration status in your questioning,” it says here. Well, why not, Miguelo?

(aclu reps run out with another court order.)

Art: “NO interrogation about possible illegal status or follow-up questions—period.”

Jacquarious: He’s takin’ money from us by being here—that’s what my mom says—she president of the ncap.

Art: The naacp?

(black kid next to Jacquarious pulls a gun.)

black kid: You don't EVER correct a black Kang, Whitey.

Art: Wow, all the black kids have guns. Miguelo, what do you have?

(Switchblade comes out under Art's neck.)

Art: I’ve already shaved this morning, thank you, Miguelo.

Miguelo: You mean “gracias”—you are supposed to speak spanish around hispanics, gringo. This is OUR country now.

Art: Well, I can see this updated version of the show will never work and I must head back into retirement. Jimmy, thank you for reminding me of the good old days.

(aclu runs out with a court order.)

Art: “References to previous times where Whites thrived, crime was low and intelligence was valued are not allowed-San Francisco court of appeals.”

I guess there’s a gag order on everything I have to say, so I must end this show until after the second Civil War...

(aclu runs out with another injunction.)

Art: Good night, everyone.


Hey, GRA. You know what killed Art Linkletter? He died just shy of what would have been his 97th birthday of a broken heart in 2012. His beloved Lois, wife of 75 years, and mother of his five children, had died the previous year, at the age of a mere 96. Just imagine how long she would have lived, if not for apartheid.


Anonymous said...

He did all right for himself(and his wife).


Anonymous said...

More famously, his daughter jumped out of a window while on an LSD trip, and he became an anti-drug crusader. To no avail, as things are far worse now than they were back then. He must have had guts to live so long with such grief, in a society that no longer had any use for him. (Always liked the title of his book, "Old Age Is Not For Sissies") -RM

Anonymous said...

And it's 100% true--even if you're rich--but especially if you're not.