Sunday, October 08, 2023

the new york post seeks to get war criminal Brian Dowling issued a free murder for slaughtering Ryan Carson

By N.S.

By David Propper

"girlfriend of brooklyn activist had trouble picking out murder suspect in lineup, could hurt case: experts"

new york post operative David Propper neglected to mention that Carson's girlfriend, Claudia Morales, refused to cooperate with detectives investigating her boyfriend's murder, and clearly supports his killer, Dowling.

Propper's "thing" piggy backs on a recent "thing" by the daily's top crime reporter, Tina Moore, who was suckerpunched by a black career criminal on her way to work in manhattan, in which da Alvin Bragg's staffers lied to her, and said that they couldn't prosecute the perp, whom she'd photographed, because she couldn't pick him out of a photo array.


Anonymous said...

She thought "Dowling" would be a good married name.Carson who?


Anonymous said...

Cops recovered the knife. If they can find traces of blood on it, and they likely will be able to, DNA can tie that blood to Carson. There will probably also be Dowling's DNA on the knife.

Also someone who knew him was right there on scene. She enters the video at the end. She seems to apologize to the gf, so she must have seen what happened, or be aware of what happened. What Dowling just did. She can identify him.

So it will probably not matter whether the victims weird gf was able to id him or not. There will be ironclad forensic evidence and the other female who knew him will be asked to testify. Doubt she would refuse.