Thursday, October 19, 2023

The associated press may just have engineered the worst news hoax since ktla sent a doctored, anonymous version of the Rodney King video around the country to tv news outlets: the ap has posted a doctored video of a traffic stop, in which a black criminal unsuccessfully tried to murder a sheriff’s deputy, with an outrageous headline, and with a dishonest narration entirely by the perp’s family and lawyer

By Nicholas Stix

“Georgia sheriff releases video showing a violent struggle before deputy shoots exonerated man”

This is a classic fake news incident from the associated press. They released a doctored video, just like ktla did in the Rodney King case, with a narration by the perp’s family and lawyer, in order to try and instigate riots and a massive shakedown payout.

The headline alone is outrageous: “Georgia sheriff releases video showing a violent struggle before deputy shoots exonerated man”

First of all, we don’t know for a fact that the perp had been exonerated of any crimes. (The msm lie all the time, in calling criminals “exonerated,” as in the case of the five racist Central Park rapists. The rapists were never exonerated.) Second of all, it is irrelevant whether he had previously been exonerated of anything. He was killed while attempting to murder a law enforcement officer.

The perp’s family and its lawyer keep emphasizing that the deputy didn’t “de-escalate” the situation. But if he had done so, he’d be dead, instead of the perp. Indeed, the whole point of the demand, by black supremacists and their non-black “allies” that White policemen “de-escalate” situations in which they are confronted with violent, colored criminals, is to get more White cops killed.

I have no doubt, based on the way the perp carried himself, in refusing to cooperate in any with the deputy, that he was a career criminal.

The White cop immediately asserted his authority, the opposite of “de-escalation.” He didn’t need to check the perp’s priors to know he was trouble. The doctrine of “de-escalation” demands that a White cop act passively in such a situation, and submit to the authority of a perp “of color,” who in turn murders him.

The associated press activist who posted this video implied with her headline that any black man who has been “exonerated” of a crime gets a free murder of a White leo. Or is it unlimited murders of White leos?

Note that the second perp, the associated press activist who posted the doctored video, did so as a Jane Doe.

Note, too, that Jane Doe supplied no background or identifying information with her video.

“Georgia sheriff releases video showing a violent struggle before deputy shoots exonerated man”

“1,754 views oct 19, 2023

“(19 Oct 2023) A Georgia deputy fatally shot a Black man at point-blank range during a traffic stop after the man, who had been wrongfully imprisoned years ago, grabbed the officer by the neck and was forcing his head backward. Relatives of the man believe the shooting was unnecessary. (Oct 19)”

@darvoid66 “That cop is a criminal. He murdered that man. Send him to prison.”

N.S.: You’re a racist liar, and a member of the confederacy in support of colored cut-throats.

Postscript 4:58 p.m.: The ap perp who wrote the "thing" was Russ Bynum. I still don't know who of the ap doctored the video.


David In TN said...

How do you de-escalate a situation were somebody is trying to kill you?

Anonymous said...

You don't get to pick and choose what orders to follow.You don't ignore the putting your hands behind your back part of it.You don't go after the cop physically.Looks like a loser for Crump,but nowadays,who knows?


Anonymous said...

We're in the Age of Floyd.
And this happened in the State of Ahmaud.
All bets are off. Will Judge 'n Jury Sharpton try to commandeer this trial too and put another holiday on the calendar?

Anonymous said...

That's an interesting comment,4:50:00 pm Anonymous.When will blacks push to have states named for thug criminals?I never thought of that type of insanity,but in places like Louisiana,I could see it happening in a few years.Then you'd have red states,blue states and black states.


Anonymous said...

"N.S.: You’re a racist liar, and a member of the confederacy in support of colored cut-throats.!"

Great response or counterargument.

What is "racist" about thinking or concluding that the shooting was more or less a homicide? The person didn't mention anything about race.

Seems juvenile.

The video could cause any reasonable person to ask reasonable questions:

Why was the cop so aggressive? Is it normal to be so aggressive for a traffic stop? Shouting angrily and pointing the taser. Is it normal to arrest someone for such misdemeanor traffic violations? Speeding and "reckless" driving. What was reckless about his driving? Some cops will cite you for reckless driving for not using your turn signal when changing lanes.

Cops should keep in mind that men, MEN, don't like to be treated like that. They don't like being forced to back down or bow down to authority. By being so aggressive the cop helped create a confrontation.

Once the physical altercation started, the cop had to defend himself. No way could he allow himself to be overpowered and his gun to be taken. He had to use it instead.

But it seems reasonable to wonder whether the confrontation was avoidable. It looks avoidable, since the suspect did not seem especially belligerent and was at first largely complying. He seemed to react to the cop being so aggressive and saying he was going to arrest him. For a traffic stop?

If I was the sheriff I would fire that deputy, regardless of whether he is charged or not.

Anonymous said...

Why was the nig*er out of his vehicle?I'm sure he disobeyed an order right there.Cops don't like people leaving the car on a traffic stop.If he wasn't ordered out,that escalates things,similar to the Patrick Lyoya case.Stay in the car!Get your ticket and that's that. More likely,the nig had warrants and had no intention of being taken to jail.

If a cop stops a black for speeding,what percentage of the blacks have warrants and will turn violent to avoid arrest?I'd guess most of them.So the White cop has his adrenalin and defenses kick in, and usually for good reason.Then,like many blacks,he decides to "go for it" as they say and attempt to get away--like all good sociopaths do.

"Ain't no White cop gonna take me in."

One way or another,they will--and better the nig in a body bag,rather than the cop in one.Cop stopping this black may have saved other highway traveler's lives

Anonymous said...

"Relatives of the man believe the shooting was unnecessary."

And what exactly did the famblee of the "victim" want the policeman to do? Just allow himself to be killed. YES they would have.

There is one point in the video with the negro advancing toward the officer with some exaggerated arm movements. That might the 52 moves. The martial art form the negro convicts use in prison.

Anonymous said...


"The Whole george floyd Story Was A Lie": Tucker Carlson(ZH)

GRA:On X,a black named Vincent Everett Ellison is interviewed on episode 32 of Tucker's show.Only a black is allowed to make this kind of statement,however,he will then be quickly dismissed as an "uncle tom" and ignored.Carlson says floyd's death was due," to natural causes," goes through the drug use,but fails to mention my observation,that the struggle by floyd in the backseat of the cop cruiser,amplified a manic adrenaline rush that his diseased heart could not take.NO ONE ever mentions that part of the story.

Carlson would not be allowed to say this on FOX,which is a travesty.He can here--but he'll be ignored also.


Anonymous said...

I'll have to retract my statement that Tucker Carlson allowed the black guest to make the accusation.I ASSUMED that,but Carlson,based his conclusion on another case that medical examiner,Andrew Baker was involved in.Baker answered a question about floyd's death,indicating it was not murder.Then,Carlson goes on to interview the black author.


Anonymous said...

GRA:Actually,Tucker Carlson has not believed floyd was murdered for years.
Here's what I should have posted:
(daily caller)New testimony about the death of George Floyd in a video posted Friday.

Carlson said that, thanks to this new information, it is now “conclusively” known that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who is serving over 20 years in prison, did not murder Floyd by kneeling on his neck for several minutes on May 25, 2020.

Hennepin County Prosecutor Amy Sweasy, who is in the midst of a lawsuit against her boss, alleged in her deposition that an autopsy found no indications that Floyd was murdered.

“In other words, George Floyd, according to the official autopsy, was not murdered,” Carlson said in his monologue. “He died instead of what we used to call natural causes, which in his case would include decades of drug use, as well as the fatal concentration of fentanyl that was in his system on his final day. So this was not a killing, it was yet another narcotics OD in a country that records more than 100,000 of them every year. The medical examiner clearly understood that and, in fact, articulated it.”

Anonymous said...

"More likely,the nig had warrants and had no intention of being taken to jail."

Actually, no. In fact in the video he specifically asks if there is a warrant. No doubt he asked because he knew there wasn't or couldn't be but he was wondering why the cop was being so aggressive over a traffic stop, maybe mistaken identity or something.

People who want to give cops a pass on this type of incident are misguided.

Some guys should not be cops. They go on power trips and behave wrongly. He is obviously one of them.

"an autopsy found no indications that Floyd was murdered"

The report has been available for a long time. It's not a radical take that it wasn't a homicide. A simple reading of the report (it's just a few pages) supports that conclusion.

"it was yet another narcotics OD"

No it wasn't. Without his encounter with cops he almost certainly would not have died of an OD.

Floyd's encounter with cops clearly set in motion a sequence of events that ended in his death. The cops on scene did not recognize and respond to his distress soon enough. Bystanders noticed this and became angry.

But his death was not a homicide. Cops have the right to prioritize the restraint of someone who is resisting arrest, especially someone as big as Floyd. The restraint was a complicating or contributing factor. So were the drugs in his system.

So the cops should have been disciplined, even fired. Not prosecuted.