Sunday, October 08, 2023

confirmed: mexican cartels are now inside the u.s. forming gangs and sniper nests to take out Americans

By A Texas Reader
sunday, october 8, 2023 at 10:31:03 p.m. edt

confirmed: mexican cartels are now inside the u.s. forming gangs and sniper nests to take out Americans


Anonymous said...

Well it IS Mexico in a good part of the former USA.Biden says "We can accept some collateral damage for flooding the homeland with spicanos."


Anonymous said...

Nigga tryin' to make a buck.I gave him 10 seconds of my valuable White time.That's 10 seconds too long,but I didn't know clicking gab would present me with nig talk.


Anonymous said...

Sniper nests? That news seems a little unnatural. What is a "sniper nest"? A nest is a fixed physical location. Sniper squads might make sense. Sniper nests do not make sense.

Anonymous said...

That island in the middle of the Rio Grande is a No Man's Land. The territory of which nation has never been adjudicated. The river at at spot normal depth is about two feet. Easily waded. Rio Grande before settlement was a wild river that changed course repeatedly.