Monday, September 18, 2023

When the msm refuse to reveal any information about a perp (or the vic), it’s impossible to guess his motive, but We Know Enough about the msm to Guess their motive!

[“spic thug arrested in ambush shooting murder of White l.a. sheriff’s deputy”; “no apparent reason.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, september 18, 2023 at 7:04:00 p.m. edt

I guess the “reason” media is looking for motive with all these stories, is so they can mete out the “crazy card,” or even the “race card,” which would excuse a minority from responsibility for murdering a cop like Clinkunbroomer or Whites like you and me. Then media can chalk it up to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, in the “crazy card” example, to “it’s Whitey's fault,” with the race card example.

That’s how media keeps score and decides the amount of attention to pay to a story. Whites have their own categories by which media rates coverage:

Was Whitey racist? (Full coverage.)
Was Whitey rich and evil? (Full coverage.)
Was Whitey a mass murderer—or psycho? (Full coverage.)
If blackie is racist—no coverage.
blackie rich and evil (rapper?)? Low coverage.
blackie a mass murderer or psycho? (low or no coverage.)



Anonymous said...

It's standard to look for motive. Unless there is a plea deal, prosecutors have to make a case in front of a jury, and evidence of motive, premeditation, etc is always part of that. It's not a big deal.

With juries these days you never know. Prosecutors need to make sure their case is tight.

Anonymous said...

Some of these villains either attack or kill a cop just to attack or kill a cop. They get high esteem and rep if they go to prison.

Anonymous said...

"With juries these days you never know. Prosecutors need to make sure their case is tight."

Juries can be funny! Robert Shapiro. The OJ case.

Have some colored on the jury and you can be in trouble. No matter what the guilt of the accused there can be controversy. The negro on the jury just has a way about them.

Anonymous said...

It's standard for PROSECUTORS to find a motive--yes--not the media,immediately after the crime has been committed.

Media,these days,try breaking news cases on-air,like the ones I listed --on the day it's reported,in order to Incite blacks. IF it has been determined that a White cop shot a black,it's case closed--guilty.Also,a black shooting Whites is declared insane by media motive seekers and therefore not responsible.Media looks for motive to find excuses for blackies and hammer Whitey--then move on in a constant propaganda loop.

That's the reason for media's search for motive.