Monday, September 18, 2023

Why are We Fighting a War against russia, and What is Douglas Macgregor up to?

[“Tucker Carlson talks to colonel Douglas Macgregor about the ukrainian war (video and transcript!)”]

By N.S.

We are waging war on a country which we have no reason to be fighting. I remind the reader that after the 2016 election, the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” and the dnc engineered the russia hoax, which brought us to the brink of WWIII.

Prior to the election, “Obama,” et al., had conspired to steal the 2016 election by perjuring themselves before the fisa court, and illegally wiretapping candidate Donald J. Trump.

Those were all federal felonies.

Failed criminal democrat candidate and career criminal Hillary Clinton had paid british former spook Christopher Steele to write up a fraudulent dossier, which came to be known as “the Steele Dossier” seeking to discredit President-elect Trump, which was so lacking in credibility that even the new york times refused to run it. So nbc news asset ran it instead, and the entire leftwing msm suddenly declared the hoax report credible.

Once the President had been inaugurated, the dnc/msm and their confederates perpetuated the russia hoax, many others (e.g., the George Floyd hoax), and continuously created new ones.

In 2020, the dnc/msm conspired to pull off “The Big Steal,” a coup that put an old gangster suffering from senile dementia into the white house.

The conspirators have perpetuated the russia hoax, all the way to the brink, yet again, of WWIII, not to mention bankrupting the White taxpayers.

What is Douglas Macgregor up to? During his september 7th interview with Tucker Carlson, he sounded a great deal like candidate Trump in 2015-2016—bring back American industry, stop inviting the criminals of the world to come here at the (White) taxpayers’ expense, and cease waging war on the world. And President Trump did live up to certain campaign talking points—e.g., not starting any new wars, and not inviting the non-White world’s cut-throats to come here.

Why is Macgregor sounding so Trumpish? I believe that he seeks to be the President’s running mate, should Trump get the nomination again.


Anonymous said...

I don't know this MacGregor guy at all,but I would advise Trump to avoid the military option for VEEP and choose a conservative politician(if he can find one)--but NOT TIM SCOTT!


Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned that this is a war against Trump,against investigations into the Bidens and against countries with Whites as majority populations.So the Bidens somehow get Russians and Ukranians to kill each other--it's a win-win for White hating Democrats.


Anonymous said...

That is what it is all about. This Steele made up the dossier falsely with the approval or even the instruction of Hillary. And was Obama involved and if so to what degree. Lying to obtain an illegal wire tap a serious offense.

Even as I make this entry I ask myself: "what is the use?" USA all over anyhow.