Monday, July 10, 2023

Was 2022, “by Lousy 2020s Standards, a Pretty Good Year,” or a continuation of a totalitarian twilight zone

“2022 was, by Lousy 2020s Standards, a Pretty Good Year”
By Steve Sailer

“Looking at the cdc multiple cause of death data for people under age 45, it’s clear that 2022 was the best year so far in this lousy decade. After deaths of younger Americans shot up 22% in 2020 over 2019 and 12% in 2021, total deaths (all causes) dropped approaching 9% in 2022…. [N.S.: Loads of data follow.]

By Erik L
july 9, 2023
@Steve Sailer

“I did an analysis based on excess deaths in oecd countries summed from 2020-2022. Excess deaths continued even after they could no longer be accounted for by covid-well into fall of 2022. The results show that excess deaths go down pretty dramatically from countries with below 50% of the population vaccinated until maybe 75-80%. After that one could argue either, there is no benefit to vaccinating more than that, or even that the excess deaths start to go back up as you get closer to 90%.

“A similar analysis using vaccination rates of individual u.s. states showed similar results but with less evidence of the arguable increase as you go from about 80% to 90%.

“Unfortunately there are not a lot of data points (only so many oecd countries and u.s. states) but to me it looks like there was great benefit to vaccinating the vulnerable population and no benefit, or possibly harm vaccinating everyone else.

“Incidentally, as of the time of the analysis, Sweden was second best in terms of excess deaths in the oecd.”

N.S.: I feel like I know less about the kung flu now than I did three years ago.

I never got the clot shot, not due to some fundamental hostility to vaxxes, but due to the government giving such contradictory “information,” and the msm spreading purely fictional stories (e.g., “racism is a co-morbidity”) about the wuhan china virus, that I could not make a rational decision.

A couple of years ago, I noticed that the government had engaged in the obviously fakestat operation of “disappearing” the flu, which someone re-posted here (at Steve Sailer’s blog) a few days ago. People didn’t suddenly stop catching the flu. From that, I concluded that hundreds of thousands of cases written up in the u.s. as covid were actually the flu.

Meanwhile, The Boss, who is a veteran nursing home nurse, has told me all about her place of work lying about rampant cases of the china flu since 2020.

Oh, and for years The Boss told me that if I caught the kung flu, I’d drop like a fly, due to my age and many underlying conditions. Well, she was pleasantly surprised when I caught it over Thanksgiving, 2022 weekend from our grown son, but survived, after spending 14 hours a day in the sack for a few.

Granted, my individual case means little, and I did lose one friend and my brother-in-law to china, but I can’t get my hands on any clean data.

Meanwhile, the stories by “experts,” “reporters,” “scholars,” etc. have been so phony, with them using “covid” to explain everything from the explosion in black crime that the dnc/msm had instigated (“the reckoning”) to continued low TV ratings for sporting events (why would Whites in lockdown watch LESS, rather than MORE sports?; in reality, millions of Whites had stopped watching black athletes years earlier, due to the league suits’ support of blm) I concluded, as with so many other issues today, that we are stuck in a totalitarian twilight zone.


Anonymous said...

I keep it simple--any Biden year is lousy.


Anonymous said...

Increased deaths of young people. Young black men the hood killing one another without restraint.