Monday, July 10, 2023

attractive cincinnati coed dissed by dyke gender studies instructor, cont'd.…: university does about face, and supports dyke activist

Victim Olivia Krolczyk

By “W”
sunday, july 9, 2023 at 01:39:19 p.m. edt

attractive cincinnati coed dissed by dike gender studies prof, cont'd....

I think we all know why “they” have gender studies.

“university of cincinnati backflips after reprimanding gender studies professor, 28, who gave student ZERO grade for using phrase ‘biological women’
• “university of cincinnati has reversed its reprimand of professor Melanie Nipper, who failed a student for using the term ‘biological woman’ in an assignment
• “reprimand issued on june 14 by the head of the department of women's, gender, and sexuality studies at uc, now removed from Nipper's personnel file
• “the student, Olivia Krolczyk, expressed her disappointment with uc’s decision, stating that it showed a disregard for students’ rights to free speech

“By Harriet Alexander and Alex Hammer and James Gordon
published: 22:20 edt, 8 july 2023 | updated: 17:31 edt, 9 july 2023

N.S.: In early 1997, I wrote what would for many years be the state of the art report on politicized grading in higher ed: "Making Up the Grade: Notes from the Antversity." I wrote it for the top neocon academic journal, Academic Questions. However, I submitted my report under the pseudonym, "Robert Berman." AQ's liberal editor, Sanford "Sandy" Pinsker, sought to destroy my life, and demanded that I use my real name. I refused, saying that I frequently used "Robert Berman." Pinsker demanded a list of articles I'd published as "R.B." I sent him a list of some 36 publications, and he relented. The report was published in the spring, 1998 issue of AQ. When I attended the 1999 national convention of the national association of scholars (AQ's sponsor) in chicago in spring, 1999, I encountered Pinsker at a table for AQ. We both wore name badges; he just stared daggers at me, like a new york city subway mugger.

The next month, I held a talk on "Language Rights, Remediation, and Progressive Pedagogy," at Assumption College in Worcester, MA. nas veep Gary Crosby Brasor had sent me a letter that served as a contract, promising to publish my talk in AQ, but he welshed. That "conservatives" have no honor is part of why they have achieved nothing.

Melanie Nipper politically abused Olivia Krolczyk


Anonymous said...

Conservatives in power are limp noodles.How do you tell a conservative today from a liberal?The conservative only takes in HALF the bribes that liberals do.


Anonymous said...

Someone needs to go to court and put an end to this stuff.Prove to all that women aren't women--biologically--and everyone,including me,will shut up.

But they can't,because only women can NATURALLY give birth.Men don't have uteruses(uteri?) or anything else with a capability of storing a fetus for 9 months.

THAT'S biological.


Anonymous said...

Globo-homo at work. Everything for them. THEM.

Anonymous said...

All state governors ought to make it a priority to rein in this kind of junk academic nonsense via the budgets of these schools. Certainly the Republican governors.

If wealthy individuals want to entirely fund this crap, they can. The Pritzkers would probably do it.

Republicans never use power when they have it. Which is why the GOP as a party, an institution, must die ASAP.