Monday, July 31, 2023

nbc's "black voices" report widely mocked

By Merlin
monday, july 31, 2023 at 10:51:11 a.m. edt

nbc's "black voices" report widely mocked

Here we go again, the race-baiting u.s. media, this time nbc, in service to their race-baiting democrat overlords

"An nbc 'black voices' report was mocked after suggesting black people needed 'safe spaces' to hike and camp outdoors, protected from White people's 'trauma.

This "report" is so over the top that it is laughable, except to clueless leftists. Of course, liberals won't laugh because of their collateral mental disorder. Instead, they'll just swallow the Fake News bull--it, which leads to indigestion, and consequently, contributes to their general crankiness.

Also, why does nbc even have a "black voices" report? Do they have "yellow voices" or "red voices" or even, perish the thought, "White Voices" reports? Does nbc have a hierarchy of "voices" it promotes? We know who nbc puts at the top and at the bottom of their racial hierarchy list, but what does their whole list of approved and disapproved races look like? We want all the ratings! Time for some transparency!


Anonymous said...

All true,but I've been pointing out this crappy network's pro-black agenda for years--cbs too--but they had White anchors.The "negro nightly news" didn't just pop up last week,Holt has been telling his black lies since before Trump took office,but especially after.


Anonymous said...

Blacks just don't camp. Period. It is all nonsense. Oprah had a whole program about visiting the national parks because blacks do not frequent. She did say she did feel was uncomfortable. Did not known to act or behave. Can't do no clubbing in those national parks.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
62 year old black Flint Michigan man, Bryan Sutton, is arrested for sexually abusing 6 yr. old boy in McDonalds bathroom:
It appears they still release mugshots in Michigan so we get to see what he looks like. Note the smile, or smirk, on his face. No shame whatsoever.