Wednesday, April 05, 2023

It's official: RFK Jr. is running for President

By R.C.
wed, apr 5, 2023 11:09 p.m.

It's official: RFK Jr. is running for President


Anonymous said...

And Sirhan Sirhan Jr. just started taking "high powered rifle" shooting lessons somewhere in Palestine.

I still remember hearing that bulletin on the neighbor's radio the next day as a kid out in my backyard in 1968.It didn't strike me as anything more than just another piece of news at the time,but I always remembered it.I remember the riots in 67 and 68--but not the King shooting.


Anonymous said...

Did the "safe and effective" fake vaccine kill 300,000 or 500,000 Americans? With RFK JR in the race, the chances of the truth spreading to more Americans has increased.

Anonymous said...

At 69,as W.C. Fields would say it:"A vertitable youngsterrrrr"--though he SEEMS older.I guessed him for 76.


Anonymous said...

I have never thought a high opinion the Kennedy famblee. But I hope this man does well and I wish him a lot of good will.

Anonymous said...

I will be voting for Trump, but I do think RFK Jr will be a breath of fresh anti-swamp air. I think this guy has zero chance with his speech impediment and because he is not a young pretty boy like his dead brothers. I don't know that much about him--other than he is speaking up about the clot shot and Fauci--but I think he has fallen for the glo-bull warming scam and probably has other leftist ideas I wouldn't like.

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in N.S.'s opinion of RFK Jr.A super liberal?