Tuesday, April 18, 2023

elgin, tx: 2 cheerleaders shot in parking lot

Tue, Apr 18, 2023 6:50 pm Subject: elgin, tx: 2 cheerleaders shot in parking lot dangerous place https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/texas-heb-cheerleaders-shot/285-9b9b2fb6-4632-49e8-8bfa-ff8206c0973a


Anonymous said...

Target practice in Elgin at that time?I'm sure it was an accident(sarcasm).

They probably dissed a couple nig football players,who got the last word in.


Anonymous said...

"Police did not say what led to the altercation but one of the victims told KHOU 11 she thought she was getting into her own car when she noticed a man in the passenger seat. She said she tried to apologize but the man pulled out a gun and started shooting."

GRA:That makes zero sense.I was approached,a couple months ago,by a female,who thought that I was her Uber ride.Of course,if I'd had a weapon on me,I would have wasted her in seconds(kidding).

I repeat--makes no sense.