Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Camille Paglia: "Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse" (Video)

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

Whites in power pushed this.Whites not in power,let it happen.blacks,queers and spics took advantage.
Now,no more country.


Anonymous said...

The cultural collapse occurred when blacks took over the big cities.I still don't believe it or understand it.Though they supposedly only have 13% of the population,most of it is centralized in the major metro areas,giving the impression that they are everywhere.I assume that's not true.There are many more small towns than big ones,where I assume,very few,if any blacks live.I may be wrong as I have not traveled much the last three years.

Because blacks are more visible due to this set-up,I can only assume,that's the reason tv execs are filling the airwaves with black programming.The ratings system is probably focused in those cities like Chicago,New York,Philly,Atlanta etc.

I'm not sure if the theory is correct,but it's my theory.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Paglia is one of the few "radical" feminists I have some respect for. Sees the world realistically instead of through some distorted PC lens. While she is a practicing lesbian she admits to being something of a closeted heterosexual and having sexual attraction to men, but her intellect and quirky personality makes relationsips with men too difficult. Alphabet sexual psycho community hates that kind of honesty which is why they ignore her. I recommend her book "Vamps and Tramps", it's a collection of some of her early essays and well worth a read.

Anonymous said...

You just have to wonder,WTF happened to people?Women's lib may have been the precursor,followed by legalized abortion,White reproduction rates falling,the Mex invasion,blacks and black crime ruining cities--which translates to a completely different country--just from the 1990s.

I've said it before,9/11 seemed like the starting point of all this chaos happening.