By A Texas Reader
sun, apr 30, 2023 8:45 p.m.
“Hancock high students killed in mississippi mass shooting loved by all who knew them”
Young, White male murders two knee grows at mississippi house party.
Sunday, April 30, 2023
it’s a black thing, you wouldn’t understand: “just 7% of students proficient in math in baltimore city, according to test results”
By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat
sun, apr 30, 2023 7:23 p.m.
“just 7% of students proficient in math in baltimore city, according to test results”,K-12%20policy%20and%20practice%20at%20The%20Education%20Trust.
“As an educator, academic scholar, and administrator, Santelises has been steadfast in her belief that excellence in urban education is achievable at scale. She earned her bachelor’s from Brown university and her master’s in education administration from Columbia university. She holds a [double or triple affirmative action, if she’s a sapphic sister] doctorate in education administration, planning, and social policy from harvard university.
So, she holds a phd in educational methodologies and social psychoses from harvard.
Or some bull—it like that.
Got it.
In other words, stereotypical empty black suit.
N.S.: Folks who live outside of Maryland and environs, refer to “Baltimore City” simply as “Baltimore.” However, in Maryland and environs, one speaks of “Baltimore City,” in order to distinguish between it and “Baltimore County.”
sun, apr 30, 2023 7:23 p.m.
“just 7% of students proficient in math in baltimore city, according to test results”,K-12%20policy%20and%20practice%20at%20The%20Education%20Trust.
“As an educator, academic scholar, and administrator, Santelises has been steadfast in her belief that excellence in urban education is achievable at scale. She earned her bachelor’s from Brown university and her master’s in education administration from Columbia university. She holds a [double or triple affirmative action, if she’s a sapphic sister] doctorate in education administration, planning, and social policy from harvard university.
So, she holds a phd in educational methodologies and social psychoses from harvard.
Or some bull—it like that.
Got it.
In other words, stereotypical empty black suit.
N.S.: Folks who live outside of Maryland and environs, refer to “Baltimore City” simply as “Baltimore.” However, in Maryland and environs, one speaks of “Baltimore City,” in order to distinguish between it and “Baltimore County.”
The Problem of Homelessness in America
By Nicholas Stix
Time was, I was an internationalist of sorts. Then I left my country, and became incredibly homesick. Then I came home, and missed the place I’d called home for five years, and in whose language (and one of whose women) I’d fallen in love. Then my country left me.
For a time, after I’d forsaken internationalism, I figured that foreign affairs was a topic about which we knew too little to act and speak boldly, except for when a country attacked us, as opposed to domestic affairs. But now, just about all of America is a foreign country.
Time was, I was an internationalist of sorts. Then I left my country, and became incredibly homesick. Then I came home, and missed the place I’d called home for five years, and in whose language (and one of whose women) I’d fallen in love. Then my country left me.
For a time, after I’d forsaken internationalism, I figured that foreign affairs was a topic about which we knew too little to act and speak boldly, except for when a country attacked us, as opposed to domestic affairs. But now, just about all of America is a foreign country.
The Buttoned-Down Humor of Officer Bob Newhart, Dealing with an immigrant mass murderer
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, april 30, 2023 at 12:36:00 p.m. edt
Officer Bob Newhart:
“Okay, Pablo, I see the report and it states you k-k-killed three teens because...they rang your doorbell and ran away?”
“Th-that’s it?”
“I was right in the middle of watching ‘Speedy Gonzales’ cartoons and the doorbell rings.”
“Ye-ye-yes, that happens sometimes.”
“I go to look and when I open the door, a kid is flashing his BUTT—and then he runs away!”
“We-we-well, that’s a little crude—granted, but instead of forgetting about it and going back and continuing to watch Sp-sp-speedy Gonzales, you get in your car and hunt these doorbell ringers down and kill them.”
“Si—they won’t be ringing MY doorbell anymore (laughing maniacally).”
“There’s two reasons for that, you know—one of them is b-because, prison cells don’t have d-d-doorbells, Pablo—NEXT!”
(Bob puts the file aside and picks up another from the 10-foot high pile of “Stupid Minority Criminals.”)
“Well, with this job, I know I have t-t-tons of job s-s-security. I’d better call Emily and tell her I’ll be home late again tonight.”
sunday, april 30, 2023 at 12:36:00 p.m. edt
Officer Bob Newhart:
“Okay, Pablo, I see the report and it states you k-k-killed three teens because...they rang your doorbell and ran away?”
“Th-that’s it?”
“I was right in the middle of watching ‘Speedy Gonzales’ cartoons and the doorbell rings.”
“Ye-ye-yes, that happens sometimes.”
“I go to look and when I open the door, a kid is flashing his BUTT—and then he runs away!”
“We-we-well, that’s a little crude—granted, but instead of forgetting about it and going back and continuing to watch Sp-sp-speedy Gonzales, you get in your car and hunt these doorbell ringers down and kill them.”
“Si—they won’t be ringing MY doorbell anymore (laughing maniacally).”
“There’s two reasons for that, you know—one of them is b-because, prison cells don’t have d-d-doorbells, Pablo—NEXT!”
(Bob puts the file aside and picks up another from the 10-foot high pile of “Stupid Minority Criminals.”)
“Well, with this job, I know I have t-t-tons of job s-s-security. I’d better call Emily and tell her I’ll be home late again tonight.”
hmore hmong hmurder news in hminnesota: the daily mail christened a hmong hmurderer a "minnesota man": "minnesota man livestreams his final moments during stand off with fbi"
By R.C.
sun, apr 30, 2023 4:48 p.m.
"minnesota [sic] man livestreams his final moments during stand off with fbi"
"'I hope y'all brought body bags': minnesota [sic] man, 33, livestreams his final moments during fbi stand-off after barricading himself at home with his pregnant girlfriend while clutching a sawed-off shotgun"
"Chue Feng Yang, 33, livestreamed his final moments as he locked himself in his house during a stand off with the fbi while clutching a shotgun."
There are jobs that only hmong can do.
sun, apr 30, 2023 4:48 p.m.
"minnesota [sic] man livestreams his final moments during stand off with fbi"
"'I hope y'all brought body bags': minnesota [sic] man, 33, livestreams his final moments during fbi stand-off after barricading himself at home with his pregnant girlfriend while clutching a sawed-off shotgun"
"Chue Feng Yang, 33, livestreamed his final moments as he locked himself in his house during a stand off with the fbi while clutching a shotgun."
There are jobs that only hmong can do.
BRAWL between Knee Grow golfers erupts on florida course
By A Texas Reader
sun, apr 30, 2023 4:50 p.m.
BRAWL between Knee Grow golfers erupts on florida course
"tee off in the tee box: moment a BRAWL between rival golfers erupts on florida course after one group accuses another of playing too slow
"a fight broke out at the cleveland heights golf course in florida after a group became impatient waiting for the golfers ahead of them. video showed the fight unfold."
Only blacks record this s--t.
Then upload it to social media.
sun, apr 30, 2023 4:50 p.m.
BRAWL between Knee Grow golfers erupts on florida course
"tee off in the tee box: moment a BRAWL between rival golfers erupts on florida course after one group accuses another of playing too slow
"a fight broke out at the cleveland heights golf course in florida after a group became impatient waiting for the golfers ahead of them. video showed the fight unfold."
Only blacks record this s--t.
Then upload it to social media.
Swift end to dirtbag’s crime spree: “florida robbery suspect fleeing police shot eight times by store clerk”
By A Texas Reader
sun, apr 30, 2023 4:56 p.m.
“florida robbery suspect fleeing police shot 8 times by store clerk: ‘swift end to dirtbag’s crime spree’”
sun, apr 30, 2023 4:56 p.m.
“florida robbery suspect fleeing police shot 8 times by store clerk: ‘swift end to dirtbag’s crime spree’”
bloomington, indiana: otherwise woke bar lost its customers after supporting sexual psycho Dylan Mulvaney
By “W”
sun, apr 30, 2023 5:38 p.m.
bloomington, indiana: woke bar lost its customers after supporting Dylan Mulvaney
sun, apr 30, 2023 5:38 p.m.
bloomington, indiana: woke bar lost its customers after supporting Dylan Mulvaney
a bleeding city: the black plague of violence in new orleans
By A Texas Reader
sun, apr 30, 2023 5:15 p.m.
[] a bleeding city: the plague of violence in new orleans
The “plague” of violence.
The black plague.
sun, apr 30, 2023 5:15 p.m.
[] a bleeding city: the plague of violence in new orleans
The “plague” of violence.
The black plague.
The World's Most Useless Crime Report
By Anonymous Longtime Reader
sun, apr 30, 2023 2:39 p.m.
The World's Most Useless Crime Report

Dear Mr. Stix,
This account of a robbery at a bus stop near the UC Berkeley campus popped into my email box today from the local SF Bay Area newspaper, the Mercury News (formerly known as the San Jose Mercury News). That it happened yesterday at 6:50 p.m.--when it was still daylight--is one of the few facts in this otherwise worthless report.![]()
Sunday, April 30th 2023
Person robbed at bus stop near UC Berkeley campus
The robbery happened in the 2400 block of College Avenue, police said
By Jakob Rodgers | | Bay Area News Group
April 30, 2023 at 8:03 a.m.
A person sitting at a bus stop near the UC Berkeley campus was robbed Saturday evening, according to the Berkeley Police Department.
The person was accosted by two robbers about 6:50 p.m. while waiting for a bus in the 2400 block of College Avenue, according to Berkeley police. The robbers took the person's cell phone and several other belongings before getting into a grey Acura, which was driven by a third person, and speeding away.
No arrests have been announced in the incident.
Anyone with information about the robbery can call Berkeley police at 510-981-5900.
There is no mention of the sex, age, or ethnicity of either the victim or the two perps. If a weapon was involved, we aren't told. Only the car driven by their getaway driver is specified, namely a gray Acura.
Maybe more detailed information may be provided later. Then again, maybe not.
Is this a new standard for crime headlines--"Person Robbed"?
Your Anonymous Longtime Reader
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Meet “Jane Doe”: the me-too hoax movement lives, as designing woman slept with billionaires and ceos for many years, before getting one ceo fired and cheated out of $54 million (after a ten-year affair!), suing company for millions more for “sexual harassment” and “sexual discrimination,” and complaining when her true identity was revealed! (pix, pix, pix!)
By “W”
billionaire Tom Barrack
billionaire David Bonderman
nbcuniversal ceo Jeff Shell
By Nicholas Stix
Until recently nbc-universal ceo Jeff Shell, whose former corporation used Hadley Gamble as a pretext to steal $54 million from him
What a shame she couldn’t go on suing companies while hiding behind the alias “Jane Doe.”
KD334: “Whether she’s in the right or wrong is irrelevant to his firing because he is the one who got himself fired.”
N.S.: What a load of bull. And logic is not your friend.
SHE’s the one who got him fired, and cost him $54 million. By the way, her name isn’t Hadley Gamble, it’s “Jane Doe.” Not only did she destroy a man’s life, but she expected to hide behind anonymity, and now expects to get paid additional millions. I have no doubt that she’s the guilty party. The Me-Too hoax movement lives!
“What every Mistress complains about MONEY and this was not her only millionaire she was involved with. also David Bonderman Girl gets around” 17
• Broncocinco
“Is she going to get any from the employer? sugar daddy just got hosed. she must have seen that coming. no pun intended.”
◦ Brathwaithe Bonespurs Quackerbush IV
“nbc will settle her sexual harassment lawsuit. she will get millions. her conniving interests have been met...🤑🤑🤑”
"fired nbcuniversal boss Jeff Shell forfeits $43M payout over Hadley Gamble scandal
Jeff Shell, 57, was fired last Sunday after cnbc anchor Hadley Gamble filed a sexual harassment complaint.
perp Hadley Gamble, aka Jane Doe
By Nicholas Stix
Until recently nbc-universal ceo Jeff Shell, whose former corporation used Hadley Gamble as a pretext to steal $54 million from him
What a shame she couldn’t go on suing companies while hiding behind the alias “Jane Doe.”
KD334: “Whether she’s in the right or wrong is irrelevant to his firing because he is the one who got himself fired.”
N.S.: What a load of bull. And logic is not your friend.
SHE’s the one who got him fired, and cost him $54 million. By the way, her name isn’t Hadley Gamble, it’s “Jane Doe.” Not only did she destroy a man’s life, but she expected to hide behind anonymity, and now expects to get paid additional millions. I have no doubt that she’s the guilty party. The Me-Too hoax movement lives!
“What every Mistress complains about MONEY and this was not her only millionaire she was involved with. also David Bonderman Girl gets around” 17
• Broncocinco
“Is she going to get any from the employer? sugar daddy just got hosed. she must have seen that coming. no pun intended.”
◦ Brathwaithe Bonespurs Quackerbush IV
“nbc will settle her sexual harassment lawsuit. she will get millions. her conniving interests have been met...🤑🤑🤑”
"fired nbcuniversal boss Jeff Shell forfeits $43M payout over Hadley Gamble scandal
Jeff Shell, 57, was fired last Sunday after cnbc anchor Hadley Gamble filed a sexual harassment complaint.
fbi kills a "minnesota man," Feng Yang
By “W”
sat, apr 29, 2023 12:29 p.m.
fbi kills a "minnesota man," Feng Yang; mexican kills 5 neighbors in texas
he won't be missed. but why was he here in the first place? a "refugee" or some other BS?
they asked him to quiet down, so he shot them:
These news breaks popped up while I was watching a concert live stream from St. Petersburg, russia.
sat, apr 29, 2023 12:29 p.m.
fbi kills a "minnesota man," Feng Yang; mexican kills 5 neighbors in texas
he won't be missed. but why was he here in the first place? a "refugee" or some other BS?
they asked him to quiet down, so he shot them:
These news breaks popped up while I was watching a concert live stream from St. Petersburg, russia.
Crack the media code: "deranged man" defecates on homosexual flag at nyc eatery, hate crime suspected: cops
the black doo-doo head heading north on amsterdam avenue
By N.S.
"deranged man defecates on pride flag at nyc eatery, hate crime suspected: cops"
"a deranged man defecated on a gay pride flag at a manhattan tapas bar -- and then used another rainbow banner to clean himself off in a suspected hate crime,..."
"deranged has becone a code for black, so let's check the "thing": Yup!
a southern california [read: south asian] man accused of killing three teenaged boys by intentionally ramming their car after they played a doorbell-ringing prank on him was found guilty friday of murder
By A Texas Reader
sat, apr 29, 2023 8:50 p.m.
riverside, calif. — a southern california [sic] man accused of killing three teenage boys by intentionally ramming their car after they played a doorbell-ringing prank on him was found guilty friday of murder. Anurag Chandra was convicted in a riverside county
A man accused of killing three teenage boys by intentionally ramming their car after they played a doorbell-ringing prank on him was found guilty of murder. |
Was he just doing the job that Americans won't do?
What, 12 beers in one day?
A Kraut, he ain't.
‘We don’t feel safe’: brutal beatdown by westfield hs students sends assistant principal to hospital
By A Texas Reader
sat, apr 29, 2023 12:01 p.m.
‘We don’t feel safe’: brutal beatdown by westfield hs students sends assistant principal to hospital, family says
sat, apr 29, 2023 12:01 p.m.
‘We don’t feel safe’: brutal beatdown by westfield hs students sends assistant principal to hospital, family says
Another immigrant-on-immigrant mass murder? This time in fairfax county, Virginia
By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
sat, apr 29, 2023 12:46 p.m.
When officers arrived at the scene, they said Meskerem Belachew Solomon, 38, Amanuel Belachew Solomon, 31, and Tiku Berhane Gebreeyesus, 47, were found with multiple gunshot wounds to the upper body.
Or ethiopians?
N.S.: Same difference. They used to be the same country.
sat, apr 29, 2023 12:46 p.m.
When officers arrived at the scene, they said Meskerem Belachew Solomon, 38, Amanuel Belachew Solomon, 31, and Tiku Berhane Gebreeyesus, 47, were found with multiple gunshot wounds to the upper body.
Or ethiopians?
N.S.: Same difference. They used to be the same country.
Sackler family gave $19m to institute responsible for federal opioid policy
By R.C.
sat, apr 29, 2023 12:24 pm
report: Sackler family gave $19M to institute responsible for federal opioid policy
the Sackler family that owns purdue pharma, the manufacturer of the synthetic opioid oxycontin, reportedly gave $19 million to an advisory board that helped shape Washington's response to the opioid crisis. Michael Nevdarakis, senior reporter for the defender, expounded on this in an April 2 |
All prescription drugs are "safe" and "efficacious."
Until they are not.
woman recaptures world record for 4th time with 5-foot afro
By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
sat, apr 29, 2023 12:47 p.m.
woman recaptures world record for 4th time with 5-foot afro
She should change her name to S’har Pei.
sat, apr 29, 2023 12:47 p.m.
woman recaptures world record for 4th time with 5-foot afro
She should change her name to S’har Pei.
Was the texas mass murder story a "gun violence" story, or something else?
By N.S.
It could well be a case of one (mexican?) illegal alien, Oropeza, slaughtering five illegal hondurans. However, the msm keep harping on it involving an ar-15, or something like one, because the dnc has sought for years to get ar-15s banned. That's why, when Adam Lanza slaughtered 26 children and teachers with a semi-automatic pistol in sandy hook in newtown, ct, in 2012, a few days later, the state's democrat chief medical examiner, H. Wayne Carver II, lied, in asserting that the murder weapon was an "assault rifle."
It could well be a case of one (mexican?) illegal alien, Oropeza, slaughtering five illegal hondurans. However, the msm keep harping on it involving an ar-15, or something like one, because the dnc has sought for years to get ar-15s banned. That's why, when Adam Lanza slaughtered 26 children and teachers with a semi-automatic pistol in sandy hook in newtown, ct, in 2012, a few days later, the state's democrat chief medical examiner, H. Wayne Carver II, lied, in asserting that the murder weapon was an "assault rifle."
ex-apple employee sentenced to three years in prison after $17 million fraud scheme
By R.C.
sat, apr 29, 2023 1:41 p.m.
ex-apple employee sentenced to three years in prison after $17 million fraud scheme A judge also ordered Dhirendra Prasad to pay apple back in full.
sat, apr 29, 2023 1:41 p.m.
ex-apple employee sentenced to three years in prison after $17 million fraud scheme A judge also ordered Dhirendra Prasad to pay apple back in full.
did ya hear about how they mutilate the genitals of little girls in some moslem countries? how barbaric! why should those societies even exist?
sat, apr 29, 2023 7:09 p.m.
Did ya hear about how they mutilate the genitals of little girls in some Muslim countries? How barbaric! What animals! Why should those societies even exist?
Official Dad of Gab on Gab: 'Did ya hear about how they mutilate the genitals of little girls in some muslim countries? How barbaric! What animals! Why should those societies even exist?' |
What's wrong with fgm?
man kills 5 in texas
By A Texas Reader
sat, apr 29, 2023 6:16 p.m.
Rene Arevalo Sr., who lives a few houses down, said he heard gunshots around midnight but didn't think anything of it. "It's a normal thing people do around here, especially on Fridays after work," Arevalo said. "They get home and start drinking in their
authorities in texas say a man went next door with a rifle and began shooting his neighbors, killing an 8-year-old and four others inside a house near houston. san jacinto county sheriff Greg Capers said saturday that the shooting took place just before midnight after the family asked the gunman to stop firing rounds in his yard because they were trying to sleep. Capers says authorities were still searching for 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza following the shooting in the town of Cleveland. Capers said there were 10 people in the house but that no one else was injured. He says the victims were between the ages of 8 and about 40 years old. |
breaking: 5 dead in texas shooting as armed suspect with "AR-15" is on the loose
-----Original Message-----
From: New York Post <>
sat, apr 29, 2023 8:44 a.m.
From: New York Post <>
sat, apr 29, 2023 8:44 a.m.
breaking: 5 dead in texas shooting as armed suspect with AR-15 [sic] is on the loose
<font size="4"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;">New York Post - News Alerts</span></font>
Five people were shot dead late Friday with an AR-15 style rifle – including an 8-year-old child – in a mass shooting at a southeast Texas home, authorities said.
If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here.
Friday, April 28, 2023
“Damning snaps show Brian Walshe bought hacksaw, cleaning supplies after wife vanished”
By N.S.
“Damning snaps show Brian Walshe bought hacksaw, cleaning supplies after wife vanished: authorities”
“The photos are the newest piece of damning evidence against Walshe, who stands accused of beating his wife, Ana, to death before chopping her up, bagging her remains and tossing them into several dumpsters.”
“Damning snaps show Brian Walshe bought hacksaw, cleaning supplies after wife vanished: authorities”
“The photos are the newest piece of damning evidence against Walshe, who stands accused of beating his wife, Ana, to death before chopping her up, bagging her remains and tossing them into several dumpsters.”
sexual psychopath Dylan Mulvaney wants to put all his critics in prison!
By N.S.
“the strange new respect for authoritarian democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr.”
By N.S.
4 passengers arrested after in-flight fighting that caused an emergency landing in australia
By R.C.
fri, apr 28, 2023 10:53 p.m.
4 passengers arrested after in-flight fighting that caused an emergency landing in australia
fri, apr 28, 2023 10:53 p.m.
4 passengers arrested after in-flight fighting that caused an emergency landing in australia
lapd arrests 13 fraud suspects, possibly part of gypsy syndicate targeting ebt recipients
By R.C.
lapd arrests 13 fraud suspects, possibly part of romanian "syndicate" targeting ebt recipients
fri, apr 28, 2023 9:33 a.m.
lapd arrests 13 fraud suspects, possibly part of romanian "syndicate" targeting ebt recipients
A gang of racist black and hispanic thugs brutally beat a White homeowner, while trying to steal his car; a pro-White group spread tiny leaflets protesting the racist attack; local racists responded by calling an “anti-racist” meeting and march against the pro-White group; the local racists and the daily mail (which blocked or deleted most comments) both supported the racist attackers
A gang of racist black and hispanic thugs brutally beat a White homeowner, while trying to steal his car; a pro-White group spread tiny leaflets protesting the racist attack; local racists responded by calling an "anti-racist" meeting and march against the pro-White group; the local racists and the daily mail (which blocked or deleted most comments) both supported the racist attackers
By N.S.
The only known perps are <EM>daily mail</EM> operative Harriet Alexander and Valerie Triblets, "a member of the racial justice steering committee at the rocky hill Congregational Church, [who] said she believed the attempted car theft motivated the distribution of the neo-Nazi flyers." Triblets and Alexander are both White.
Note the spreading, leftwing takeover of nominally Christian churches in America.
Triblets organized a march in support of colored criminals.
Harriet Alexander cited the southern poverty law center as an authority, which automatically makes her a Duranty-Blair laureate.
Of the few comments permitted by the <EM>dm</EM> gauleiter, 90% were anti-racists (i.e., in support of the White auto owner).
Bob Smith, valencia, United States, 10 hours ago
"But they won't march for the victims of crime."
Jereicc01, away from dems, United States, 11 hours ago
"Angry at flyers but not crime"
Hamishmacsporran, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago
"Free speech is criminalised ,while violent robbery goes unpunished"
Charley HH, Upstate NY, United States, 17 hours ago
"I stopped reading after I read, The Southern Poverty Law Center"
Denna-1, The Waystone Inn, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
"Why weren't the neighbors/ community rallying around the man who was attacked by a group men who were trying to steal his car. He was knocked to the ground, beaten, and kicked. Did the community set up a fund to help cover the cost of medical treatment for him? The article speculated that the man was not actually very hurt. But nobody spoke to the man. He might've had teeth chipped, fingers broken from being stamped on, ribs cracked or bruised, or damage done to his spine."
"And lasting mental trauma."
"connecticut town holds anti-racism meetings after being blanketed with flyers saying 'black crimes matter,' 'triggered by video showing White man being beaten by black men who tried to steal his car'"
<a href=>Connecticut town holds anti-racism meetings after flyers left saying 'Black Crimes Matter' | <EM>daily mail online</EM></a>
egyptian government: the real Cleopatra was White; refutes netflix' black Cleo fakery
By "W"
Fri, Apr 28, 2023 2:53 pm
egyptian government: the real Cleopatra was White; refutes netflix' black Cleo fakery
Hurrah for the honest Egyptians!
This popped up as breaking news while I was watching a live stream concert of Mozart and Richard Strauss from frankfurt:
“Biden doj sues tenn. over law banning doctors from performing body-mutilating sex-change surgeries on kids”
"Biden doj sues tenn. over law banning doctors from performing body-mutilating sex-change surgeries on kids"
By N.S.
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