Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Watch the Famous Cop Movie Made from the Classic, Eponymous Joseph Wambaugh Novel: George C. Scott and Stacy Keach in The New Centurions (1972), Uncut and Without Commercial Interruptions at WEJB/NSU

[Of related interest: “Joe Wambaugh, Bill Parker, and ‘The Thin Blue Line.’”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 11:43:00 a.m. est


Anonymous said...

Quick review:"George C Scott is a liberal cop."(based on the first 40 minutes)

2 1/2 stars out 5


Anonymous said...

The next 40 minutes were better,but not happy viewing.There was no indication of why the Scott character(Kolvinsky)did what he did,until he was talking in the bar about laws disappearing.
The second 40 minutes were **** stars out of 5.


Anonymous said...

In many ways,it fits right in with many other Hollywood movies .In essence,a pro-black,pro-immigration,pro-interracial piece of propaganda.I thought Keach would get killed in the earlier scene before the White guy got him.
Extremely dark film--to what purpose--I'm not sure.

Overall 2 1/2 stars.


Anonymous said...

I especially like the part when the negress prostitutes are arrested.

Anonymous said...

Great book. That, _The Choirboys_, _The Blue Knight_, and _Lines and Shadows_ are my faves. I don't think any of his books have been made into good movies.

Nicholas said...

The Blue Knight was a great book that was turned into a brilliant miniseries (I read somewhere the first ever), starring Bill Holden, over the course of four nights, at an hour per.

The problem is, the producer or the network then butchered it by half of its running time. I tried watching the butchered version, but it was incoherent. Whereas the original version had a leisurely pace, with sudden explosions of violence, ultimately breaking the viewer's heart, the two-hour version lurches without rhyme or reason, from one soap-opera scene to another.