Sunday, November 13, 2022

amazon's latest robot picker for warehouses uses ai to identify objects, and further prosecute The White Death

By R.C.
sun, nov 13, 2022 8:33 p.m.

amazon's latest robot picker for warehouses uses ai to identify objects

amazon has unveiled its latest warehouse robot. it says, "sparrow is the first robotic system in our warehouses that can detect, select, and handle individual products in our inventory."

The true definition of artificial intelligence: Kamala Harris.

N.S.: And we need open borders why? So we can have mass starvation, and more of The White Death?


Anonymous said...

From the article:

"Amazon doesn't exactly have a spotless record when it comes to conditions for warehouse workers, particularly when robots are involved. In 2020, the Center for Investigative Reporting's Reveal publication released a report indicating that, between 2016 and 2019, the rate of serious injuries sustained by Amazon employees at automated warehouses was 50 percent higher than at facilities that don't use robots."

GRA:"Danger,danger--p*ssed off robot on the loose."Ehhh,probably just a coincidence.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Self driving cars, warehouse jobs...mundane repetitive tasks that migrants often do will be replaced by robots so what will they do? The drive for "diversity" is just a cover for the drive for cheap labor but there is no thought of the future, just immediate profits. When there are not jobs for them, they will get restless...and violent.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Giselle gets revenge on Tom by dating her latino jiu jitsu instructor:*78krt7*_ga*NzY1NTg3MzIyLjE2NTg0MjU3MTI.*_ga_0DZ7LHF5PZ*MTY2ODQ1OTk0Ny40LjEuMTY2ODQ2MDAzMi4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.52350122.288697427.1668460033-765587322.1658425712
Well, I suppose she really could have turned the knife by dating one of Tom's black teammates.