Friday, July 22, 2022

the usual suspects are up to their usual tricks, engineering a hoax, in seeking to sabotage justice in the war crime trial over the rape-murders of Tracie Hawlett-J.B. Beasley

war crime victims J.B. Beasley, l, and Tracie Hawlett

[“Trial Date for 1999 Alabama War Crime Murders.”]

By David in TN
Friday, March 18, 2022 at 12:02:00 P.M. EDT

Another hoax is being pushed for the Tracie Hawlett-J.B. Beasley murders. The defense is going to claim “a White cop did it.” You see how that will resonate.

The MSM, etc., have long disliked DNA hits revealing a black suspect killed White victims, females especially. They want to see an acquittal in this type of case.

The trial is still set for May 2. There have been a few recent news items.

N.S.: I couldn’t recall if I’d posted this item by David at the time. The usual suspects have since gotten the trial repeatedly pushed back.

I thank David for staying on top of this and similar cases. As he has frequently pointed out, the msm and authorities typically bury such cases for years after the perp is caught, and then very quietly dispose of them, almost never meting out justice to the killers, on behalf of their White vics.

suspected war criminal, Coley McCraney


Anonymous said...

Has the war criminal been in custody all this time--or out--awaiting his trial?Or has he been in prison for other crimes?


Nicholas said...

He was arrested for these crimes in 2019, and has presumably been awaiting trial ever since. He was supposed to be tried in 2020, but his lawyer keeps playing games, getting the trial date pushed back.

Officially, he had no priors, so he was not in jail or prison for anything. And of course, his supporters are trying to get the dna program that caught him via a relative, abolished.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the cops didn't pick up Tracy Morgan instead--they could be twins.