Friday, July 22, 2022

The Marshmallow Test: Because the black kids are gluttons and are not taught to control themselves

By A.L.
Fri, Jul 22, 2022 8:15 a.m.

The Marshmallow Test: Because the black kids are gluttons and are not taught to control themselves.

Steve Sailer: "The famous Marshmallow Test was invented by Walter Mischel in Trinidad in the 1950s to answer his question of why the local Asian Indians tended to have more money than the local blacks: it turned out that Indian kids were better at delaying immediate gratification (getting one marshmallow NOW) in favor of getting a bigger payoff (two marshmallows later) than were black kids."

N.S.: But Al, don't you know of the famous researcher who responded, "Why we can't wait"?

That would be M.L. King Jr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Put that food in your mouth and fast Leon. the whitey man will take it away from you if you don't!"