Saturday, July 23, 2022

subway justice in chicago: defund the chicago pd! mugging victim pulls knife on attackers, and cuts them up!

By R.C.
Sat, Jul 23, 2022 10:30 a.m.

several stabbed as mugging victim pulls knife on attackers during melee in chicago subway

Another melee.

At least it wasn’t a fracas.


Anonymous said...

“This kind of violence is absolutely unacceptable, and we applaud the Chicago Police Department for its quick actions to arrest the suspects,” Chicago Transit Authority President Dorval Carter said in a statement.

GRA:it IS acceptable,or CPD would be rounding up blacks with outstanding warrants and placing them in prisons.It's acceptable,when these felonious criminals are allowed on the street.You cannot stop a known felon from committing felonies,if he's free--only by separating him from society.


Anonymous said...

“This kind of violence is absolutely unacceptable,"

Deduction of a genius.