Thursday, July 21, 2022

starbucks store closures, due to woke policies

By R.C.
Thu, Jul 21, 2022 4:05 pm

starbucks store closures due to woke policies

Ignore the article.

Look at the map of store closures instead.

Closures are in states where the bicoastal bigots reside.


Anonymous said...

Portland, Los Angeles, Seattle. Two the stronghold of the anarchists. Lots of homeless too. Drugs, alcohol, mental disease. Tolerant people too tolerant of wrong and bad. The chickens come home to roost and I for one am not glad.

Anonymous said...

They've just invented these new machines--called coffee-makers--which can be used at home to brew fresh coffee at a reasonable price.

I recommend it highly.


Anonymous said...

Coffee houses have always been a favorite of anarchists and revolutionaries. A place to gather and discuss "issues". Now they burn them down or encourage bad behavior at the coffee houses.

Anonymous said...

True,I forgot about the history.