Friday, July 22, 2022

Here we go again. Nasty whitey guys burning down the black churches. Don must have made him do it.

By A.L.
Sun, Feb 16, 2020 2:32 p.m.

Here we go again. Nasty whitey guys burning down the black churches. Don must have made him do it.


Anonymous said...

Lesta Holt said "F--K,"when he heard it wasn't a Whitey perp--and most of media too.Now it won't get reported at all.


Anonymous said...

Hey,just saw his mug--WHITE!This WILL make Holt's "newscast after all.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I tried to find out what evidence they had that proves it was a "hate crime" but couldn't find anything. Only that he is White and that they were all predominantly black churches. Did he say or write something that indicated he did it because they were black churches? I do wonder about this sort of thing though, Louisiana has a very high black population and maybe he lived in a predominantly black area so they were just convenient targets to hit. When they say predominantly black congregations, does that mean 51% black and 49% White or other? Are they even really mostly black churches? I don't live there, I've never seen them...does anybody reading this live around there and know for sure? I don't know, I just think they are so desperate for White "hate crimes" to put in the headlines they'll do anything to find them.