Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Tucker Carlson Reveals What’s Really Pushing activism in support of sexual psychopaths and opportunists

“Tucker Carlson Reveals What’s Really Pushing transgender activism”
“Cites lies about Florida Parental Rights Law promoted by opponents”

By N.S.

The Florida law is, if anything, too weak. The schools shouldn’t be talking about sex at all, to kids of any age.

Tucker’s broadside runs the first 12 minutes and change, from the top.


Anonymous said...

They want all the whitey kids to become sexual dysfunctionals so they don't reproduce.

Anonymous said...

Do you realize how many drugs, chemical and medical procedures trannies need? They will be on synthetic hormones forever and ever. The pharmaceutical companies are making billions of dollars on the transgender money pit. Medicaid pays for the surgeries, pills, doctors and drugs.