Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Ketanji Ubangi Jumanji Brown decides to tell a black lie

[Re: “Going Down: black supremacist Ketanji Ubangi Brown Begins Confirmation Hearings.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 4:42:00 P.M. EDT

Ketanji Ubangi Jumanji Brown Jackson resorted to the old black standby—lying—when she was asked about crt.

To paraphrase, she responded, “I never studied it, myself, and I don’t consider it a part of the process of being a (Supreme Court) judge.”

If you believe that, I’ve got some non-radioactive land near Fukushima to sell you.



eahilf said...


She graduated from law school in 1996; CRT was not a 'thing' back then -- I doubt she's had any direct experience with it since (despite the media attention, relatively few adults have; I haven't, and I don't know anyone who has) -- after reading a few articles about the hearing, I see no reason to believe anything she said about CRT, including her experience with it, is untruthful.

Democrats: 'We're gonna select a black female candidate, ignoring everyone else who isn't black and female, and then shoehorn her onto the Supreme Court.'

Republicans: 'OK, we'll be sure to give her a fair hearing!' -- (otherwise they might call us racist).

Republicans let Democrats spit right in their faces again and again.

Republicans should have boycotted these sham hearings as a bloc to protest the grossly unfair and totally inappropriate way the Biden admin went about selecting a candidate.

Instead they're fishing for 'gotchas' to pin on this woman, when I guarantee you nothing they come up with is going to be enough to convince even a single Democrat to vote against her confirmation (I will be shocked if that happens) -- it's all just insulting faux theater, and the 'gotchas' are little more than red meat for moronic supporters of the GOP.

The sooner this cowardly, wretched party is destroyed the better.

Ketanji Brown Jackson says she can’t provide definition of ‘woman’: ‘I’m not a biologist’

Some Republicons will have no problem with that:

Indiana Republican governor vetoes bill barring transgender girls from female sports

Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb on Monday vetoed a bill that would have prevented transgender females from taking part in female sports in schools across the state, claiming the measure "leaves too many unanswered questions" and questioning the need for intervention at a state level.

Nicholas said...

“She graduated from law school in 1996; crt was not a ‘thing’ back then…”

Sure, it was. Derrick Bell published a book-length “thing” promoting it, back in 1970.

Anonymous said...

Eahilf misses the greater point due to his tunnelvision problems.I understand him now.


Nicholas said...

I lost the first version of that comment, which included, It was a thing before she was even born.

Anonymous said...

"I don’t consider it a part of the process of being a (Supreme Court) judge.”

When that committee asks you the question it becomes part of the process.