Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Wilson, NC: Five-Year-Old White Boy Murdered by Black Next-Door Neighbor

By "W"
Tue, Aug 11, 2020 11:43 a.m.

Wilson, NC: Five-Year-Old White Boy murdered by Black Next-Door Neighbor

The Congoid had reportedly had dinner with the White family a day or two before he went over and shot the lad in the head while he was playing on his bicycle:



Anonymous said...

DEVIL. Back in the old days that coon would be hung by now. Coon. And justice would have been done.

Anonymous said...

As usual,this is the first I've heard of it.Goddamn the nig that committed the murder--and the media that keeps the public from hearing about stories such as this one.The Holts,O'Donnells etal., cover up every one of these black on white killings,in order to keep Whites "in the dark"(so to speak)and allow them to feel like blacks "aren't that bad."
If the White public only knew the truth.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The negro will probably claim the kid used the n word on him. Did you watch to the end of the video? The female "reporters" looking confused and ending with "The question of why must be found out" "There will be an investigation to find out" blah blah... Hey ladies, I can help with the confusion: He did it because he's a racist and hates whitey! There you go, no more confusion.

How many times have we heard that question about motivation after black on white murders then the story disappears and you hear nothing about it, or if you do it's dismissed as a random crazy act that's never happened before and never will again? Exactly what's going to happen here. Stark contrast with the much rare white on black murder in which they do a thorough search to find out if the white ever even looked at a black wrong and make that part of the case.

Anonymous said...

He is nuts they will say. Or he done rode his bicycle on my lawn.