Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Young Black Man Sucker Punches 92-Year-Old White Woman in Broad Daylight on Manhattan Street in Bill de Blasio’s New York City, in Racially Motivated Hate Crime; New York Post Covers for Racist Attacker

By Nicholas Stix

[It wasn't a "sudden attack"; it was a sucker punch attack!]

Video: Brute ruthlessly knocks down 92-year-old woman in random NYC attack
By Larry Celona and Kenneth Garger
June 15, 2020 | 9:02pm | Updated
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[Note that affirmative action headline—he didn’t shove her, he sucker-punched her.]

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A 92-year-old woman was knocked to the ground by a young man in a random [!], broad-daylight attack in Manhattan last week.

[N.S.: Translation of “random,” from the Newspeak: “A targeted, racially motivated, black-on-white hate crime.]

The victim was walking with a pushcart on Third Avenue near East 16th Street in the Gramercy Park neighborhood at about 3:30 p.m. Friday when the brute struck.
They were approaching each other from opposite directions when the man suddenly hit her in the head with his left hand, surveillance footage shows.

The woman tumbles hard to the ground — with the back of her head narrowly missing a fire hydrant.

The attacker coolly continues walking away as if nothing happened, at one point looking back at his victim.

There was at least one witness to the attack, a man on the sidewalk behind the woman. He appears to freeze in disbelief as the woman collapses, the video shows.

Cops bust suspect who shoved elderly woman on NYC sidewalk

The victim suffered some injuries, but is expected to recover.

The attacker is seen on the video wearing a blue or purple shirt and multicolored shorts. As of Monday night, he was still on the loose, sources said.

The incident was reminiscent of a 2017 trend called the “knockout game,” in which an attacker or group of attackers randomly assaults a stranger on the street.
Several people were arrested on hate-crime charges in those incidents.

[I only know of a white guy who was charged with a hate crime, and he was the only white sucker-punch attacker I ever heard of, who attacked a black. None of the blacks, who constituted 99.99% of the attackers I heard of, was ever charged with a hate crime.]

It was not clear what the attacker’s motive was in Friday’s assault.



Anonymous said...

That arm should be amputated--hate crime for sure.There was an old black guy right behind him he could have slapped at if race wasn't the reason for his attack.A slap to a 92 year old woman's head is like a roundhouse left hook from Joe Frazier to Muhammad Ali in the 1971 Fight of the Century.Both people will go down.


Anonymous said...

Actually,on further repeated viewing,that was a jab,a punch.