Thursday, June 18, 2020

White Lives Matter too? 2016 Convicted Black-on-White Yeundumu Murderers

By "W"
Thu, Jun 18, 2020 6:08 a.m.

White Lives Matter too? I hope the below 2016 convicted black on white Yeundumu murderers...

From our Australian correspondent

...are still doing it tough in jail somewhere, but are they? Ditto the cretin(s) who  
raped white female out-stationed nurse/health worker in even more recent times...

And is it only the brave NT Aboriginals Jacinta and Bess Price who are game to outline the much bigger problem of black on black domestic violence, massaging the wife's head with a rock, child abuse etc? Yes, more needs to happen to 'close the gap', but it's not only taxpayers' money that is needed. It's better behaviour, attitudes from Aboriginies too. I heard Dr Ross Walker a couple of weeks back on 3AW mention that it has been calculated that Aboriginal life expectancy has already doubled since 19th C...and may that trend continue.

If you didn't see Bess Price on SBS 'Insights' maybe 5 years back in top form castigating
the specially stacked audience of loud mouthed, insulting,  white one-drop  Aboriginie
for claiming to be Aboriginal and ignoring their obviously overwhelmingly Anglo/Euro
heritage, have a look at it, she was great, as has been young Jacinta P in recent years.

If I hear one more 3AW/ABC/SBS presenter pretend to faint, fawn, faux coo and cower
to every/any two-drop urban Aboriginal motor mouth wannabe from the over lavishly
funded Aboriginal Grievance Industry like Lydia Thorpe I'll throw up:

TWO teenagers who "cowardly" killed a much-loved pool manager in Yuendumu last year have both been sentenced to nearly 12 years jail in the Supreme Court.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is everywhere. No place to hide and no place safe.