Thursday, June 18, 2020

After over 20 Years of VDARE Publishing Daily Online, the White Genocide Movement is Driving It Off the "Normal" Web



Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

[I have been a contributor to VDARE for 16 years, but I have been a reader for over 20.]

BREAKING: Network Solutions Driving to the Dark Web?

Lydia Brimelow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes,Zerohedge,Breitbart and any company that Google thinks is racist will be cut off from advertising.If Congress and Trump do not get involved immediately,the only outlet for "news" on Google will be Facebook and the usual heap of liberal trash--Huffington Post,NY Times et al.
That's why I call myself a white survivalist--we're in the beginning throes of a long term attack on our rights of free speech,work and the right to live the way we want.We may find ourselves stranded in the proverbial wilderness by censorship disguised as racial equity.I hope that a year from now,we're still exchanging ideas and stories.
As with all things white though,I have serious doubts about that actually being allowed to occur.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist