Thursday, June 18, 2020

Help Me Fight the SPLC's Support for White Genocide!

-----Original Message-----
From: Tafeni English, SPLC <>
To: Nicholas Stix <>
Sent: Thu, Jun 18, 2020 2:15 pm
Subject: Celebrating Juneteenth

We must transform systems born from slavery and built to control and criminalize Black life.

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Tomorrow, America celebrates Juneteenth, a commemoration of the moment the last enslaved people in the United States learned of their freedom on June 19, 1865. More than two years after President Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation, Black people in Galveston, Texas, were told their freedom had finally been secured. 
June 19 – also known as Juneteenth – serves as a day to celebrate freedom in the Black community.
This year's celebration takes place during a moment of national crisis. There is a collective sense of frustration and devastation as we confront the entrenchment of racism and oppression in our systems of government, education, housing, voting, labor, health care and justice that endures more than a century after the last remaining enslaved Black Americans were freed.

Our country is mourning the losses of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, Tony McDade, Sean Reed, Yassin Mohamed, Ahmaud Arbery and many other Black lives taken by police or vigilantes. [The hell, it is!] Their murders [sic] put a harsh, necessary spotlight on how deeply rooted white supremacy is in our policing and prosecutorial institutions. We must reconceptualize these systems born from slavery [liar!] and built on the narrative of Black [sic] criminality. [Not narrative, but reality.]

In this moment of national reckoning, millions of Americans have joined a movement led by Black activists that refuses the white supremacist design and implementation of our policing and criminal justice systems. Moreover, these demonstrations have paved the way for communities to reimagine policing and implement many of the reforms called for by anti-racist [sic] activists and protesters. 

It is fitting that on this Juneteenth, we have committed to eliminating the vestiges of slavery that continue to create glaring disparities that continue to inflict pain and grave injustices against the Black community. [More lies.]

As people across the nation look for ways to participate in this movement [against] for justice, we must also remember and honor those who came before us in the march for justice. We invite you to join us tomorrow for a Juneteenth vigil at 3 p.m. CDT at the Civil Rights Memorial Center in Montgomery, Alabama, to honor the Black people who were killed and left homeless by the Black Wall Street massacre, estimated to be 300 and 10,000 respectively.

Another way to participate is to join our social media storm on Juneteenth and during President Trump's speech in Tulsa the following day. Please plan to follow along and share our message on Facebook and Twitter

Thank you for your commitment to fighting hate and establishing equality and justice for all.

The march continues,

Tafeni English
Director of the Civil Rights Memorial Center

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Southern Poverty Law Center

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Copyright 2020

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(ZH)Here's what's going on.

We can do what the Federalist did, and pull the entire comment section to stay alive, or we can implement a filter to comments which avoids triggering a limited number of keywords that started this whole fiasco (one can figure out the context there) and get reinstated. At the same time, there are legislative developments in the pipeline which we reported on earlier, which may or may not come to pass. We are not holding our breath.

We are going with option 2 because we would like to preserve the comments, and the website. We are doing everything we can to maintain an open forum. That said, now that we know which way the winds are blowing, we are urgently working on a premium version of the site which will be independent of outside forces, and ad free. Incidentally many of the comments that got us here, were the result of targeted provocation by people who don't have this site's best interest at heart.

One other thing: we have also been deplatformed by PayPal, which is why the donation section is different now.

In summary, there is a full blown assault against this website and even if we go premium it is unclear what will happen if all funding lines are cut off. We'll cross that bridge if and when we get there.

Bottom line: we are just asking for some patience.
GRA:We need more than that--we need action of the type that would get Google's attention.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist