Thursday, June 18, 2020

Breaking News Alert—Supreme Courts Rules that Trump Must Break the Law, and Maintain Illegal Obama Program!

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 12:11:00 P.M. EDT

Supreme Court, Roberts Rules against America-for DACA

(CNBC) The Supreme Court ruled against President Donald Trump on Thursday in a set of cases over his effort to end the Obama-era immigration program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA.

The opinion was authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, a conservative [sic], and joined by the court’s four liberals. Roberts reasoned that the Trump administration’s termination of the program was “arbitrary and capricious,” in violation of federal law that governs administrative procedure.

[Federal law cannot mandate that one break the law. Roberts lied. Ever since Roberts created a legal fiction (turning Obamacare into a “tax”), in order to maintain Obamacare, and court clerks had to scrap prepared docs, high court watchers have suspected that someone was blackmailing him. He’s obviously not a conservative, though he may once have been one.]

The ruling will protect hundreds of thousands of young immigrants [sic] who have been shielded from deportation and allowed to receive work permits under the program. There were about 700,000 DACA recipients at the time Trump ordered the program to wind down in September 2017.

GRA: Roberts is a traitor. He’s gone the way of Bush—totally globalist. Stick a fork in the US—we’re done.


Anonymous said...

(ZH)In a split ruling which will keep the program open to an estimated 1.3 million non-citizens, the justices said the Trump administration failed to adequately justify terminating the program. In other words - struck down on a technicality that the Trump administration can correct.

Kimberly Robinson

· 5h
Replying to @KimberlyRobinsn
The decision is 5-4 with the Chief Justice writing for the majority, which includes Justices Ginbsurg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan. In dissent is Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh.

Kimberly Robinson

The Court decision is based on the Administrative Procedure Act, not equal protection, which means the Trump administration could go back and fix the mistake and undo DACA.

10:05 AM - Jun 18, 2020
GRA:Or will Roberts come up with another excuse to keep DACA going?


Anonymous said...

We shouldn't give up so easily. We should encourage Trump to ignore SCOTUS, and try to elect conservatives to Congress and impeach Roberts. And we should encourage investigation of Roberts. If we can learn why he is being blackmailed, perhaps he could be forced to resign. Granted, these things are unlikely, but this is the greatest country that has ever existed and if freedom falls here, it may never be recovered. We are all going to die anyway, lets keep resisting the theft of our freedom until we expire.