Thursday, October 03, 2019

One of Racist “Liberals’” Lethal Weapons: Conspicuous Benevolence



By A Colleague

Given that we are such social animals, it takes real guts or an almost Aspergerian indifference to social approval to be a contrarian in the face of increasing social pressure to conform to PC views on immigration, aka “the more, the merrier!”

Many, but not all, white liberals are some of the most hypocritical people alive. They would rather die than admit it, but their social status and their material comfort and affluence mean far more to them than all those fine-sounding, exalted, self-abnegating views they continually vocalize for all the world to see and admire and emulate. Three decades ago, Garrett Hardin called this tendency “conspicuous benevolence.”

A perfect example of this virtue-signaling social phenomenon are the yard signs popping up in affluent, white-dominant neighborhoods around the country, proclaiming (in three languages, no less!) that: “No matter where you are from, we’re glad you’re our neighbor.”

N.S.: Since 1999 in New York, this “conspicuous benevolence” has advanced from lying to police on behalf of racist black attackers, to physically attacking white crime victims, in the racist blacks’ support, to lecturing white victims of racist hate crimes.


Anonymous said...

As I said in the story down below--"Live fast,die young"--,that Jerry Pdx commented on--"We've gone loco."
Pretty soon,whites will just be...GONE.Conquered by their own stupidity.

Anonymous said...

No matter where you come from! YES! OK! Just do it legally, peacefully, orderly. Go watch Godfather II and the Ellis Island scene to see how it is done.