Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Get Your Free Child Rapes! Free Rapes, and No Criminal Record! Part Two of the Mitch Whitehurst Story



[“The Monstrosity that is ‘Educator’ Mitch Whitehurst; He Allegedly Raped High School Girls for Years, Under Political Protection of Portland School Officials: Part I of a Three-Part Series.”]

[N.S.: I speak of “rape” because when a man forces a female of any age to give him oral sex, as Mitch Whitehurst did, the law recognizes that as rape. Add that he was doing this to minors, and the crimes were much more egregious. Note that this is not “statutory rape,” because that crime is determined by the victim’s age, not coercion. Whitehurst’s crimes involved coerced sex. Note too that the Portland Public School district carried on a years-long, criminal conspiracy to cover up Whitehurst’s crimes. Such conspiracies are a big part of the activities of people who say they support “diversity.”]

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 2:41:00 P.M. EST

A black teacher in Portland Public School District, Mitch Whitehurst, has a long, sordid history of sexual improprieties with female students, yet for decades school administrators ignored complaints by parents and students while allowing Whitehurst to continue to teach:

It finally came to a head when a fellow male teacher complained that Whitehurst “poked him in the anus.” Decades of sexually inappropriate behavior against female students but nothing happened until a fellow teacher complained? How does that make sense?

I smell diversity consideration here. If Whitehurst had been white this all would have blown up years ago but cowardly administrators, like all bureaucrats in Whitelandia, are terrified of being called “racist,” and as he was one of the few black teachers in PPSD, they decided Whitehurst sexually abusing [read: allegedly raping] underaged, white female students was less important than them protecting their diversity façades.

Now a judge in Portland is clearing Whitehurst's record. According to the article, it's because he's complied with certain requirements of a plea agreement.

My question is why hasn't some reporter done a major expose on him? You know, do some actual investigative reporting and then running a "front page" 10 part series in the Oregonian about this man's long history of sexually inappropriate behavior with underage female students under his tutelage. Oh wait, he's black, you're not going to find a reporter who wants to pursue a story like that too diligently. They’d rather dredge up decades-old stories of white men to display to the public. I posted a comment in The Oregonian with some of those points and it miraculously seems to have passed moderation.

To be fair, The Oregonian did run some articles and sort of a minor exposé on Whitehurst that didn’t pull too many punches but he didn’t get the kind of front page hysterical features that imprints on the mind of the public. Somehow there was the feeling that his story was being held at arm’s length, and they couldn’t wait to make it go away. Photos of him were always grainy and usually kind of ambiguous. White men get the clear, full color front-page pictures that leave no doubt that they are “white.” Whitehurst never got that. If you asked the typical Portlander what race he was, most would think he was a white man.

Here is one of the articles run by The Oregonian. It’s the only one I saw that had a photo of him that wasn’t racially ambiguous, and the information is fairly decent:




Anonymous said...

The best thing about a clean record is that he can set up shop somewhere else in the country and continue on business as usual! Thanks judge!

Anonymous said...

That b/w pic looks like Lesta Holt.

Anonymous said...

I would guarantee a large percentage of those girls raped were whitey girls. Maybe even totally 100 % so. Such behavior is not merely an act to satisfy sexual lust. Is more an act of domination, control, power.