Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Affirmative Action "Philly Professor" Spent Nearly $200K in Fed Research Funds at Strip Clubs


Perp, "engineering professor," and former head of Drexel's Electrical Engineering Department, Chikaodinaka Nwankpa

Wed, Oct 9, 2019 7:26 a.m.>"Philly professor spent nearly $200K in fed research funds at strip clubs."

"The settlement was an effort to recoup funds that the former head of Drexel's electrical engineering department, Chikaodinaka Nwankpa, squandered at topless bars including Club Risque and Cheerleaders in South Philly, according to the report."

Drexel University - considered a premiere engineering school in the NE - must have searched high and low to find the most diverse director of this department they could - someone who would do the job that Americans won't do.

Most sites are not posting this guy's photo, but he sounds like a frisky Nigerian.

Diversity is our Strength!

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