Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Racial Profiling, Turned Upside Down: Central Park II, Part Eight

By Nicholas Stix
June 22, 2000

(This isn’t about the brutal, racist, April 19, 1989 black and Hispanic mob attacks and robberies of whites, and rape of a white woman in Central Park; it’s about the brutal, racist, June 11, 2000 black and Hispanic mob attacks, robberies and rapes of white women in Central Park.)

Central Park II, Part Eight

After the June 11 [2000] attacks, veteran police officers told reporters at the New York Times, New York Post, and Daily News that a racial double-standard obtains, whereby officers working the Puerto Rican Day parade and black (Labor Day weekend) West Indian Day parade are ordered to ignore the open drinking of alcohol and smoking of marijuana, so as to avoid conflicts with "minorities," even as they are pressured to engage in extreme vigilance during the St. Patrick's Day parade.

The most thorough report by far of such charges was conducted by the Daily News. Reporters Maki Becker, Bill Egbert, Tara George, Melissa Grace and Roberto Santiago fanned out immediately after the parade, and found 28 different officers from Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and The Bronx who would speak to them, albeit under condition of anonymity. Officers contended that in contrast to the rigorous enforcement at the St. Patrick's Day Parade, "a softer tone has been taken at ethnic events like the National Puerto Rican Day and the West Indian Day parades, where public drinking and marijuana smoking produce more warnings than arrests.

"A 38-year-old officer based in The Bronx said his bosses normally are more concerned with parades running smoothly than antagonizing revelers by enforcing misdemeanors. 'I've seen people smoking weed at the Caribbean Day parade, and they [the bosses] say lay off doing anything,' he said. 'They just want things to run smoothly.'"

In his June 15 column, Daily News writer Stanley Crouch, one of the only black writers in New York to frequently defend the NYPD against charges of racism, particularly in the Amadou Diallo case, wrote, "Some cops have said they have been told to handle the Puerto Rican and West Indian parades differently from others to avoid conflicts that could result in negative political consequences.

"There is, of course, a departmental investigation going on to find out whether the charges of deliberate inaction are true. If so, heads should roll.

"Even more disturbing, however, is the idea that anybody in a position of authority would tell cops to go soft on crime because 'those people' might start rioting. Any commanders responsible for such policies should be dismissed immediately. They truly don't get it

And yet, this is the same department that was charged, in a report that the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights released five days after the Central Park attacks, with engaging in the "racial profiling" of blacks and Hispanics. The Orwellian report even claimed that the Amadou Diallo case, in which the four officers involved were acquitted of any wrongdoing, was a case of racial profiling, which would make it a lynching.

As Mayor Giuliani noted, "Once again, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has embarrassed itself by releasing a report that bears no relation to reality. The commission has held only one meeting, conducted over the course of a single day." Last spring, it was revealed that commission chairwoman Mary Frances Berry had donated $250 to Hillary Clinton's senate campaign, which constituted a clear conflict of interest. Berry refused to recuse herself.

And yet, when it comes to press relations, the NYPD tends to be its own worst enemy. For example, when I called about the Central Park case, an officer who identified himself as "Pierre Braun" blew me off with, "The boss said you can't get a statement if you don't have press credentials." In over five years of writing about the NYPD, I'd never needed press credentials to get a statement before; credentials are only issued to a tiny fraction of journalists writing for the largest, most well-connected outfits. So I called a colleague of Braun's with whom I had a good working relationship, and got through to a supervisor, Lt. Biegel, who told me, "The Mayor and the PC [police commissioner] have already responded to that, and we're not putting out any official comment."

I think I've got it. The NYPD, not amateurs, produced the phony videos that made it look as though mobs of black and Hispanic young men were attacking white women. The white women who pressed charges against dozens of men of color were in on the conspiracy against black and Hispanic males, along with the media outlets which published the still photos from the videos. If, in fact, any sexual assaults were carried out, the perpetrators were all "privileged, heterosexual, white males."

Seriously, the charges of racial double-standards at ethnic parades are just the tip of the iceberg. Far from being guilty of "profiling" black and Hispanic men, the NYPD -- and New York prosecutors -- are in fact guilty of giving preferential treatment to Hispanics, and especially, blacks. But this preferential treatment does not occur twice a year, at the Puerto Rican Day and West Indian Day parades. It happens every day of the year.

In January, 1991, I was attacked on a rush hour, Brooklyn-bound Lexington Avenue subway train by a gang of three blacks and two Hispanics. Police who caught most of the gang released them, explaining that with one exception, whom they did arrest, the members they'd caught hadn't punched me, while the one who had done most of the punching had gotten away. "Acting in concert" didn't apply, not in that case nor in a similar one in June, 1993.

A white, NYPD detective I spoke with at the transit bureau that night in January, 1991, acknowledged that the attack was obviously racially motivated, a "bias" crime" as far as New York's laws were concerned, but "there are some things you can't say," due to the political climate. The detective also reported that such racially motivated attacks by blacks against whites occur every single day in New York City.

The media and the city's PR machine notwithstanding, the climate has gotten considerably stormier in the intervening nine-and-a-half years.

Just imagine, if no one had bothered to tape the events in Central Park on June 11.

Originally published in Toogood Reports.

Posted by


Steven M. Warshawsky

Powerful, infuriating stuff.

gerry said...

This is a truly shocking stuff. I am totally at a loss of words seeing what bestiality people can indulge in. Anyways do drop by my blog for there are things that may be of your interest.

Thursday, March 1, 2007 at 6:42:00 AM EST
N1TKO said...

Is everyone really surprised? You get these animals together for any type of gatherings and there will be crime. They (spics and niggas) have no respect for the human race.Someone in the crowd should have pulled a gun and just start killing these mutts.Jerry ColtonLowell, Ma.

Monday, December 24, 2007 at 5:36:00 PM EST Anonymous said...

Nicholas, the comments left by Jerry Colton pretty much find justification in your arguments. One could write volumes on the statistics that show that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults are committed by white heterosexual males, but that's not what this is about. The issue is not of race, but of gender. Rape is not exclusive to any "race", it is ingrained within the very construct of masculinity.

Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 1:26:00 AM EDT Nicholas Stix said... "Nicholas, the comments left by Jerry Colton pretty much find justification in your arguments." Is that statement supposed to put me on the defensive, Anon? So, you think that black and Hispanic men have a right to grab a white married couple, force the woman to the ground and manually rape her, while holding the husband down and forcing him to watch, without having to fear being shot dead on the spot? I wouldn't use the same language as Colton, but that doesn't negate his point, though the fact that he is likely white means he won't be getting rewarded for it with multimillion-dollar recording contracts. But I do get a kick out of the fact that he used his real name in expressing an opinion that could get him assaulted and arrested or murdered, while you anonymously expressed a safe opinion. "One could write volumes on the statistics that show that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults are committed by white heterosexual males, but that's not what this is about. The issue is not of race, but of gender. Rape is not exclusive to any 'race', it is ingrained within the very construct of masculinity." Actually, you may be mistaken there, Anon. If Joanne Mariner’s research on black-on-white homosexual prison rape is correct, the majority of rapes and sexual assaults in America are committed by black males (just as the majority of non-sexual violent crimes have long been committed by black males). The issue in Central Park I and II was race, and nothing but race. http://nicholasstixuncensored.blogspot.com/2006/12/another-associated-press-scandal-wire.html As for “gender,” that is a linguistic term. There are no genders in the English language. I’ll never get over how it is that the one modern language I know of that has no genders was the one upon which ignorant totalitarians (many with Ph.D.s, as if to certify their stupidity) initially imposed gender politics, and in which more has been written about “gender” than in all of the gendered languages combined. As for rape being “ingrained within” the male sex, aside from the fact—celebrated by Eve Ensler in the original version of The Vagina Monologues—that females commit rape, your claim sounds as metaphysical as saying that blacks are metaphysically (essentially) evil. Do you really want to use metaphysics to guide discussions of social reality, social policy, and individual cases? Meanwhile, you clearly feel superior to Jerry Colton; how does that work? “Hating blacks bad, hating men good”? Do you publicly broadcast that you hate black, Hispanic, Asian and white men equally, or do you “forget” the black, Hispanic, and Asian part? Inquiring minds want to know. Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 4:53:00 AM EDT Anonymous said...

Thank you for preserving the truth about this horrific event. I totally agree about the media bias and cover-up of any racist element of the attacks. There is no excuse for spinning this story as the media has done. Keep up the good work. Monday, December 15, 2008 at 11:29:00 PM EST Viagra Online said... I have a friend that was raped a year ago but the police hadn't made anything about it that's why I try to be with someone each time that I have to walk near there. Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 11:42:00 AM EDT Anonymous said... Nick, you are a box. The video footage is absolutely clear with regards to both the victims' and offenders' race. It's a pity the main line of argument from your side is,' if it was a white mob... 'Well bullshit, what they did was wrong no matter what and don't deserve to be called men, they should all be neutered. And to you Nick, may you be forcibly fucked up the arse, you blinker-wearing MF. M. Ackerman ( Disgusted father )( Conversation closed Hoendernaier) Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 3:57:00 PM EST Nicholas Stix said... "The video footage is absolutely clear with regards to both the victims' and offenders' race." Ackerman, you're a racist liar. The video footage shown on the local TV news didn't show anyone being violently attacked, and didn't show any white victims. It only showed Spanish girls getting soaked. Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 4:48:00 PM EST Anonymous said... I'm sick of all blacks being called evil because of what some blacks do. I'm black and I have never committed a crime against anyone. The only crimes I ever committed was running a stop sign and jay walking or listening to downloaded music yet I constantly see my race belittled by angry white Americans. Stop putting us in a box like the great white race has never committed so called any evils. Slavery anyone? Cointel Pro anyone? Russian Sex Slave Trade anyone? So get off your high horse! As far as this atrocity goes it sickens me and I hope every person present that day that participated or watched and did nothing dies a violent horrible torturous death. I do not condone violence against women of any kind and my heart goes out to the victim. Those men deserve to DIE and if it is race motivated let me be perfectly clear when I say, “they DO NOT represent all of us and the most certainly don’t represent ME!” If I were there I would have helped and not stood idly by... unfortunately I wasn't. There is way too much hate going around and it needs to stop. I'm sick of the divide. If a black man raped my wife I'd be just as pissed as if a white man did it so stop making it about race. One of my best friends is an ex skin head. No one hated black people more than him. Now we are the best of friends and I would lay down my life for him over any attacker (black people included); and he would do the same for me (white people included); because we realized there are more important things in this world than what you look like. No one chooses their race or appearance; it is giving to us at birth. It does not define who we are. Judge a man by the content of his character. If you are white, black, or Hispanic, and you have any shred of human decency; then what happened should be an outrage to you. Plain and simple. Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 5:30:00 PM EST

Mos Alias said...
This comment has been removed by the author. Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 5:31:00 PM EST Anonymous said... I'm sick of all blacks being called evil because of what some blacks do. I'm black and I have never committed a crime against anyone. The only crimes I ever committed was running a stop sign and jay walking or listening to downloaded music yet I constantly see my race belittled by angry white Americans. Stop putting us in a box like the so called ‘great white race’ has never committed any evils. Slavery anyone? Cointel Pro anyone? Russian Sex Slave Trade anyone? So get off your high horse! As far as this atrocity goes it sickens me and I hope every person present that day that participated or watched and did nothing dies a violent horrible torturous death. I do not condone violence against women of any kind and my heart goes out to the victim. Those men deserve to DIE and if it is race motivated let me be perfectly clear when I say, “they DO NOT represent all of us and the most certainly don’t represent ME!” If I were there I would have helped and not stood idly by... unfortunately I wasn't. There is way too much hate going around and it needs to stop. I'm sick of the divide. If a black man raped my wife I'd be just as pissed as if a white man did it so stop making it about race. One of my best friends is an ex skin head. No one hated black people more than him. Now we are the best of friends and I would lay down my life for him over any attacker (black people included); and he would do the same for me (white people included); because we realized there are more important things in this world than what you look like. No one chooses their race or appearance; it is giving to us at birth. It does not define who we are. Judge a man by the content of his character. If you are white, black, or Hispanic, and you have any shred of human decency; then what happened should be an outrage to you. Plain and simple. Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 5:36:00 PM EST Anonymous said... You are sick of all blacks being called evil because of what some blacks do? Then fuckin tell your black brothers to stop attacking and raping white girls so they dont give all you niggas a bad name! And its not "some" blacks who act like this, its the fuckin majority of you, thats the truth! Michael Grotz, Austria, Europe Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 6:38:00 AM EST redneck101 said... well these guys were Hispanic, i hope you ignorant people realize Hispanics have the skin complexion of African Americans. its a sad day when you people just clump any person of color together. white people used to rape,pillage and murder slaves all the time look at history and in Europe white people rape, murder and kill at will on a grand scale Monday, December 19, 2011 at 5:37:00 AM EST

hotel menage anaheim ca said...

Very good blog. this is really cool stuff you have here. Thank u for the website.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 11:04:00 PM EST

Sean said...

Thank You for this blog posting.

I'm glad someone took notice of the elephant in the room. One would have to be an idiot to believe that this was not racially motivated, yet how fitting is it that our members in the judicial and political system see elsewise.

Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 11:40:00 PM EDT

Left Coast WhiteGuy said...

Hey Dumbass,

Check Your Facts Before Posting. In NYC, In New York City, African-Americans are 25.5 percent of the population, but are responsible for 55.5 percent of homicide, 45.5 percent of rape, 63.5 percent of robbery, and 52.8 percent of aggravated assault.

Note: In New York City, Hispanics are 28.6 percent of the population, but are responsible for 33.8 percent of homicide, 43.1 percent of rape, 29.1 percent of robbery, 33.8 percent of aggravated assault.

Blacks And Hispanics are Responsible For 88.6% Of All Rapes Yet Constitute 54.1% Of Population. You Will Find Over And Over That Black And Hispanic Rape Homicide And Other Crimes Are Committed At A Much Higher Percentage To Their Respective Populations Than Whites. Stop Just Repeating The Narrative.


Thursday, July 25, 2013 at 9:10:00 PM EDT

Anonymous said...

I hope this terrible event gets the attention from the public and from the white race I wish that we would stand up for our fellow white brothers and sisters more often then just online or if I would have been there I would've speeches it wasn't that long ago I mean the late 50's and into the 60's that a person from a coloured race was the one afraid to speek up or do something to a white person now just a few years later a man the damn tables have turned the way tv shows us and just society in general its like we owe them something and we are all to glad to give it to them...I am really tired of this shit and people were saying that these guys should be in jail or should have there nuts cut off...no they should just be fucking expected to die for some really sick shit they did and its on fucking video and they new it was being recorded!

Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 7:36:00 PM EST


Anonymous said...

Turnstyle jumpers. Negroes are just so athletic. Let them jump. They are good jumpers.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't a factor of not arresting large groups of minorities be simply--where would you put them all?I assume,as one of the 2013 commenters said,"you get a group of "spics and niggas together,there will be crime"--and lots of it.
If police wanted to,many of the minorities who have outstanding warrants could be scooped up with a little effort.Guns,drugs,assault and other crimes are plentiful in these gatherings,At Mexican galas,ICE could have a field day.But a)you'd need a huge effort by LE and b)a lot of space to house criminals for more than a few days.
What's also different,of course,is the change in racial composition of police and politicos to more blacks--therefore a change in priorities.Black LE WILL NOT go after black thugs like whites would.Black politicos will NOT order LE to arrest black thugs like whites will for the same reasons blacks don't squeal on black murderers of their own.They'll cover it up--based on loyalty to race.
All the big cities with black police chiefs regularly see black crime increase with little resistance from a black police force.
And it's only going to get worse (see Mexico drug cartels for similarities to what's developing here in the USA).
--GR Anonymous