Sunday, August 12, 2018

How Cities Die: A Message from Grand Rapids

[Re: “Robert Reich on CNN: Berkeley Rioters were Actually Secret Right Wingers Affiliated with Breitbart.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 7:39:00 P.M. EDT

Which Reich does Robert represent? Must be somewhere between the Third and Sixth Reich. I'm sure he has his hands in some of this anti-American crap.

I went to a restaurant yesterday and one of the bussers stopped by to talk a bit. She was telling me how bad her neighborhood was getting—in fact, she said, "It made the TV news."

"A big jump in robberies, items being lifted from homeowner's yards the last week," so said one of the local channels.

"I don't want to sound ... like I'm ... prejudiced or anything, but yesterday, in the evening, I was outside the house and I saw a bunch of blacks walking by. The next morning, our gas grill was gone."

I asked her if she called the police.

"No, they'll just say they can't prove it was them."

And that's how, little by little, whites are terrorized by blacks—even if the crime is never reported.

I told her there's a website where we can look up crimes on a map. I do it often. Last week, I saw three rapes had occurred within a five-block radius—the last three weeks—all between the times of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Obviously the same person, yet the media ignored that and warned of some minor robberies.

The area where the rapes had occurred, has filled in with a deluge of blacks in recent months. The bus girl's neighborhood had gone downhill long ago.

Blacks destroy another city.

[Of Related Interest:

“To be White in Grand Rapids, MI: From All-American City to Diversitopia (Updated and Expanded!).”]


Anonymous said...

And President Ford would have said what about all this? "This is not the Grand Rapids as I remember things."

Anonymous said...

"I saw three rapes had occurred within a five-block radius—the last three weeks—all between the times of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Obviously the same person"

And the FBI profiler would say: "a local with a LOT of free time on his hands." Lives on welfare, etc.