Saturday, December 21, 2024

wall street journal story on demented fake president, Joe Biden, seems amazing, until you see what many readers had to say about its four affirmative action "reporters"!

"How the white house functioned with a diminished Biden in charge"


Anonymous said...

A thorough article.

We've had complete idiots("Dubya" and Brandon)pushed on us by their parties. They tried to force Kamala --another half-brain--down our throats(intentional play on words). Any group of politicos that would do this to our citizens need arrest,quick trials and imprisonment. Also,in hindsight,I can see--and safely assume--that mental acuity is not an essential characteristic for the candidates to possess anymore,to be favored by "the party". In fact,those backers apparently want the exact opposite--in order to control him--or her.

And none of it is accidental.
As Jerry Seinfeld would ask:"Who ARRRE these people,who are giving us these morons to vote for?


Anonymous said...

The networks STILL haven't accepted that Trump was elected or that biden/harris are both half wits. They'll never admit the fact that they are not journalists or seekers of the truth. The WSJ--for a limited time only--is at least pretending to.