Tuesday, June 11, 2024

In 2009 Alex Jones predicted that while the ‘new 9/11’ may have a nuclear element to it, the real depopulation endgame will consist of successively more virulent biological weapons releases to lock society down tighter each time

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 09:59:13 PM EDT Subject: In 2009 Alex Jones predicted that while the ‘new 9/11’ may have a nuclear element to it, the real depopulation endgame will consist of successively more virulent biological weapons releases to lock society down tighter each time, corral the public into qu https://www.infowars.com/posts/successively-worse-bioweapons-will-sucker-public-into-vaccines


Anonymous said...

The problem with that prediction is assuming,during the next pandemic,that everyone "forgets" the b.s. which happened during Covid lockdowns,though I enjoyed driving on empty streets,lol


Anonymous said...

Bio weapon rather than atomic weapon does sound preferable if the villains decide to do what they want to do. More insidious.

Anonymous said...

Each mRNA Vax you take possibly could weaken your t-cell response a little bit. Perhaps another virus with mRNA "vaccines" that everyone takes two or three times, could degrade their immune systems enough so that a slightly enhanced flu might get 20% of them.

I doubt that would be the approach however. I just imagine that many couples find that after they have their first child they really have trouble getting pregnant again. This is how a the gang in that famous photo would probably approach it.**

**There is a photo with Fauci, David Rockefeller, Pamela Harriman, Bill Gates, and a couple of other billionaires if memory serves. If you Google image search the above names you can probably see the pic. This is how I could see a sneaky-type like Gated want to approach overpopulation. The Chinese and Russian didn't go for Western Pharmaceutical corporations products however, and Japan has pretty much declared that they will resist further WHO cooperation.

They could always release a virus like a bird flu designed to kill poultry, swine, and cattle herds however. Fisheries could also be targeted. I could see CIA doing that