Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"another mask? what is going on with Macron’s neck?"

By R.C.
tuesday, june 11, 2024 at 09:44:18 p.m. edt

"another mask? what is going on with Macron’s neck?"


Look at the wrinkles on Macron's forehead.

Humans do not make wrinkles that are that are that defined.

No, not at all.

Sun exposure precludes that.

Are we living in a movie?

Folks speak of Biden's cognitive decline.

But he is certainly capable of issuing executive orders.

So, who is behind the curtain with world "leaders"?


Anonymous said...

I saw that on Peter Boyle's neck in "Young Frankenstein".Madelyn Kahn called him "zipper neck".


Anonymous said...

Neck marks: vampire bite marks. You don't get to be a vampire without getting bitten first!

Anonymous said...

Probably is a nothing. But does look strange. From a photo shop editing.

Anonymous said...

Hi from the American South. I had read a piece on revolver.news or thelibertydaily.com a few months ago detailing how a woman at CIA briefed George H. Bush in 1991 in a mask and he didn't spot it until she revealed it to him. They had a little video example andn I thought to myself they could probably fool taped camera appearances or have very believable body doubles be in two places at once with the stretchy-rubber masks that the wardrobe department could fabricate back then. I'm afraid of what crimes they could "fake" with these to frame a group. For example, they could plant a bomb wearing middle eastern looking masks and allow security cameras to catch them at a bus station or wherever, and suddenly release the video to the public after the bombs went off, and the voila', we have an excuse to bomb the this or that little country, etc.

Anonymous said...

Bush?Need a better example of someone that's tougher to fool than a Bush.