Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Poisoned Ivy: CALLAHAN: Too late to only fire Claudine Gay... Harvard board must go!

saturday, december 23, 2023 at 02:45:43 p.m. est

CALLAHAN: Too late to only fire Claudine Gay... Harvard board must go!

The Poisoned Ivy: MAUREEN CALLAHAN eviscerates Harvard for shamelessly lying about Claudine Gay's academic theft - and insists it's too late to only fire her... the university board must go!

CALLAHAN: Talk about intellectual dishonesty. Harvard's board has been engaged in a cover-up regarding Claudine Gay for months. They tried to bully and suppress newsgathering. They lied.

One of my brothers was a post-doc at Harvard.

Undergraduate degree from Hopkins.

Both MD and PhD from Yale.

Years ago he and I were together at our parents’ house for the holidays.

There was a news headline, either in the Washington Post or on TV, that mentioned something “controversial.”

That’s “racist,” he blurted out.

The elites and their conceit.

The asinine belief that everything is “racist.”

And that all races have the very same set of talents and abilities as do all others.

So, the elites, all of whom are anointed, deliberately chose someone who is manifestly incompetetent, much less a liar.

Because the elites are wedded to the belief of egalitarianism.

As with Claudine Gay.


Anonymous said...

"Must go?"

blackies don't resign from outside pressure( nyc police bigshot NEGRESS had lined up another job).

A story on ZH said obama intervened to convince the board to allow this NEGRESS to stay.

blame it on obama.I joked a couple days ago he and oprah would jump in,and sho' enuff--obama did(and probably Oprah too).


Anonymous said...

No one can play basketball as well as black folks you only white players I remember being able to beat the black guys were Larry Bird, and Dave Cowens both of them could steal the ball from black guys that Hass to be very good for him to be able to do that steal from a black guy

David In TN said...

Here ( is Maureen Callahan's latest column regarding Ashley Biden's confirmation that it was her diary that was stolen. The diary told of her taking showers with her father at "an inappropriate age."

Maureen Callahan wrote, "Let's pause here to state the obvious: If this were the diary entry of a Trump daughter, the media would be at DEFCON !. This would be front-page news, the sole focus of special Rachel Maddow furrowed-brow editions, MSNBC and CNN primetime investigations, the incessant drumbeat of every Sunday show and op-ed from now until election day, the left-wing press demanding answers."

"Did the Times cover what was actually in the diary? Not one bit. Not even a hint of its incendiary contents."

There's much more in the rest of Maureen Callahan's Daily Mail column.