Friday, December 22, 2023

nycpd cops got paid more than $150m in overtime for subway patrols, but did nothing to make the subways safer (too many were hiding out!)

By N.S.

Back in October 2018, The Boss and I were on the A train late one night, and a gigantic puerto rican female, about 5'11" and 250 lbs. was racially terrorizing us. She got on and commenced to stare at me, and I stared back. Then it was, "What are you looking at?" Me: "I'm loking at you, looking at me."

We got off at a station, and had the black token clerk call the cops for us. While we waited, he complained about how the cops would hide out in the employee break room, instead of doing their job. He said the station employees couldn't eat in their own break room because it was full of cops who were supposed to be patrolling the station platforms.

And when the cops did show up, they were good for nothing. The sergeant was a White guy around 40, there were two young, hispanic females, one of whom was very tall abnd very cute, albeit chubby, and a completely unfit black patrolman. He was about 5'5," was about 30, weighed about 300 lbs., and stared daggers at me from close up, the whole time.

"nypd cops received more than $150M in overtime for subway patrols -- but new yorkers still feel unsafe despite [alleged] crime dip"

"nypd cops received more than $150 million in overtime for their increased subway patrols this year – a move that may have paid off, as the latest data shows an..."


Anonymous said...

Fat cops show you where their dedication is--to their bellies--not their job.

Fat,minority cops are there only for a paycheck.How many minority cops stick their necks out to quash a violent situation?

One tenth of one percent.


Anonymous said...

Similarly, I yawwwwwned at Marjorie Taylor Greene-New-Deal being outraged by the news that air marshals were being diverted to other duties and oh-my-how-will-they-protect-us.

The subway cops and the air marshals will probably be assigned to mask and lockdown enforcement when Disease X is unleashed on us.

Anonymous said...

First problem.... being on the A train at night. Second mistake, responding to the savage who was trying to intiate an altercation with you. You're not Dr. Dolittle. You can't speak with the animals. Just don't. I learned that in Rockaway when the blacks, freshly sprung from homeless shelters, would stand and block my apartment building doors to start fights with me. The boardwalk and beach one block away but they clung to the tiny stoop of the building, like the slaves in the slave yard.
In March 2019 around 10:30 pm on my way back to Rockaway I was attacked by a young black beast who wanted an easy grab to steal my purse. She didn't get it and was angry. I am pretty sure this was the famous Dasani, the little homeless girl grown up to terrorize white people. The NYPD Transit black DT was absolutely useless and refused to write it up as a hate crime even though she screamed I did that to you cos you are a white bitch. Moral of the story? After that I never took the A train at night home. It was the Q 53 bus or the 1 & 2 train to Brooklyn, then the bus a real pain in the ass. Always the Q53 the Q52 too full of "soul" for me. Luckily I left Rockaway about 10 months before the lockdown. It would have been hell to be locked down with those animals.

Anonymous said...

The answer will be that you have to give those cops more overtime pay or maybe comp pay what they call it COMP pay days off here you go