Friday, December 22, 2023

"Harvard is funded with billions of taxpayer dollars," but one of its profs maintains that it can refuse to cooperate with congressional probes

By N.S.

"Stefanik slams Harvard prof suggesting school doesn’t need to cooperate with congressional probes: ‘Harvard is funded with billions of taxpayer dollars’"

"house gop conference chair Elise Stefanik on friday dismissed comments made by a Harvard university faculty member who suggested that the ivy league school doesn’t need to cooperate with a..."


Anonymous said...

"Congress has nothing to do with enforcing laws--that's done by the police--who are on OUR side;And the d.a.--who is on OUR side;And the judges--who are on OUR side."
Class dismissed.


Anonymous said...

And this! What a waste of time, investigating Harvard, good grief. The third quarter just ended and Biden is running up the score on those GOP clowns in the House. They're jumping after every little distraction instead of keeping their eyes on the ball. Just make some big cuts in the Dept. of Ed. funding, something in your power to do, and if a shutdown happens, it happens. There isn't time to investigate each individual collegiate cesspool and Hahvud will still be Hahvud because they have an endless supplies of diversity dopes. Binders full of them, in fact.

Anonymous said...

Harvard has an endowment of about $50 billion the interest alone and then endowment in one year will play all the tuition for undergraduate and graduate students just in a single year but they don’t seem to ever touch any amount of money